Clifton (Acquackanonk) November 100 Years Ago
William Donnely, of Delawanna, Now Rests in County Jail, as Friends Object to His Methods.
William Donnely, of Hammondville, Delawanna, believes that the world owes him a bed – and when he wants one he gets it. At present he is in the county jail, awaiting the action of the next grand jury. He is charged with breaking and entering, as well as with disorderly conduct. He was sent to jail the other day by Justice Van Brunt on two charges made by residents of Delawanna.
Donnely called at the home of an acquaintance, James Stewart, the other night and demanded admittance. He was admitted, and immediately sought the best bed in the house, and was soon in dreamland. The next night he again sought the friend’s house, and when not admitted proceeded to kick in the door and make himself at home.
Stewart did not believe that this showed good friendship, and, seeking the justice, had a warrant issued. When the case was heard Mrs. Rose Schneler, another resident of Delawanna, appeared and entered a like complaint against the ubiquitous Donnely. It appeared that he had taken the same forcible means to enter her home, and had fallen asleep in the best bed there.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 3, 1902 FROM CLIFTON TOWN
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
Miss Clare Roe has been threatened with an attack of appendicitis, but is now better…
There is quite an epidemic of “pink eye” in the village. It has been necessary to send a couple of children home from school. The disease is spreading… As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
His Red Machine Had Crashed Into a Wagon, Hurling Driver to the Street – Concealed His Identity.
Yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock an accident occurred on the corner of Main and Union avenues, Clifton. A man running a bright red automobile crashed into a wagon, driving the horse against a tree and breaking the shafts. The driver was thrown violently against a fence and severely injured. The frightened horse ran down Main Avenue but was caught in front of E. F. Disbrow’s store.
A large crowd collected about the man, who was in great pain, and no one seemed to know what to do. Some one identified the owner of the gaudy automobile as a Passaic citizen, but he refused to admit his name to a Clifton man. His conduct was inhuman, declared some of the bystanders. A woman suggested that he go to the hotel and telephone for a doctor, but he refused flatly. “No, I won’t! If you’re so anxious, go yourself,” he replied.
As there seemed no way to relieve the man’s sufferings, and as he himself said, “If you don’t do something soon it will be too late,” a bystander asked the automobilist to take him in his automobile to the hotel, where something might be done for him, but he replied:
“I won’t have that old thing with me.”
The driver of a stone wagon, passing at the time, with a rough but deserved criticism of the Passaic citizen offered to carry the injured man to the hotel. Many willing hands helped him into the cart, but the motion was so jolting that it only increased the man’s suffering.
It was found that his name is Morris Jackson, and he lives in River Street, Paterson. He is employed at a paint store in Park Avenue, Paterson. The employed arrived later and took him to the Paterson General Hospital. The doctors say he is suffering from the effects of a severe shock, and that it is impossible to ascertain the extent of his injuries yet. In the meanwhile the auto man quickly disappeared.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 4, 1902
John Hemme, of Clifton, Looking For His Outfit
Early last evening thieves walked into the backyard of John Hemme, in Clifton Avenue, Clifton, and finding the door of the stable unlocked, went inside and after placing a set of harness on one of Hemme’s horses, hooked it to a milk wagon and drove off.
Hemme started out in pursuit of the thieves some time after the rig disappeared. He learned that they had been seen travelling in the direction of Paterson and he went to that city without finding any trace of his property. He made a report at the station house and the officers on post were directed to look out for a wagon, which has a picture of a cow on the side. The horse is a sorrel.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 10, 1902 FROM CLIFTON TOWN
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aspell have rented Mr. Mackintosh’s house on the corner of Clifton Avenue and Third Street…
The Clifton Athletic Club held an election of officers Monday night as follows: President, McLeod Wylie; vice-president, Eugene P. Genthon; secretary, J. Elmer Parker; treasurer, Neil Adam. The new president is the founder of the club, which is progressing very favorably.
One of the workmen on the new Reformed church building fell and cut himself quite badly yesterday. The injury is not serious and a few stitches set all right.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 13, 1902 THE COUGHLAN CROWD WON
Defeated Leaders of the Acquackanonk Organization
The Annual election of Officers to Manage the Republican Affairs at Clifton the Other Evening.
The Republican organization in Acquackanonk Township was upset at the annual election of officers the other evening. The inside story has just come to light; at least, the winning side is telling what it claims to be the facts.
It appears that some of the members did not agree with the plans of the party leaders, and determined on a flank movement to get the upper hand. Justice Coughlan was at the head of this crowd. Postmaster William Ker led the forces which then had control and which had not been prepared for a battle.
The notice for the annual election was inserted in The News on the same night, but it was seen by forty-five of the members, and they hurried to the headquarters. Most of them were Coughlan’s friends it is said.
This is the ticket put up and elected by Judge Coughlan and his friends: For president, George F. Schmidt; vice-president, Samuel Groocock; recording secretary, John H. Foley; financial secretary, Charles F. Daymond; treasurer, Henry Fredericks; executive committee, Richard Berry, James Nash, Bernard McMahon, Frederick Matthies, and William DeNike.
The members of the Ker faction had arranged to elect this ticket:
President, William Ker; vice-president, Charles Finn; recording secretary, E. J. Marcelius; financial secretary, Arthur Groocock; treasurer, R. J. Thorburn; executive committee, William John Bailey, Henry W. Frede, John Morrisse, and John R. Post.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 15, 1902 FROM CLIFTON TOWN
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
Mrs. M. H. Aspell exhibited specimens of her work in hand decorated china Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ludlow, No. 269 Lafayette Avenue Passaic. She will hold another exhibition tomorrow afternoon at the same place.
There is some talk among the young people of a sleighing party while this snow lasts, but as yet no definite arrangements have been made. The coasting on Thompson’s hill has been fine and every evening a crowd of young folks takes advantage of it…
The honor roll of the Clifton High School and Grammar School No. 3 is as follows:
Tenth Grade – Angeline Nathan, J. Elmer Pelser, Frederick Smith. Ninth Grade – Ralph Rowland, Anna Burkhard, Howard Smith. Eighth Grade, Grammar – Marguerite Thorburn, Ruth Van Brunt, Mary
DeMott, Edith Thorpe, Ernest Merceles. Seventh Grade – Nellie Brown, Rudolph Shefler, Sadie Burkhard. Sixth Grade – Edith Weeks, Lester Merceles, Rose Genthon. Fifth Grade – Theodorus Thorburn, Sophia Max, Mathilde Genthon, Roy Maharg. Fourth Grade – Margaret Owen, Norma Clum, Edna Wilkinson. Third Grade – Viola Polley, Ruth Arnitt, Jennie Whatt. Second Grade – Barbara Ziegler, Ernest Erhert, Elsie Stein. First Grade – Elmer Mercelis, Alyea Brick, Frank Laffray, Herbert Wilkinson, Sarah Bailey. Kindergarten – Dorothy Thorburn, Daniel Pheston.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 19, 1902 FROM CLIFTON TOWN
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
Many young friends were pleasantly entertained by Master Eugene Eckhart yesterday afternoon at a party in honor of his sixth birthday. The little host received many pretty gifts. The afternoon was spent in games and dancing. The winners at the donkey party, one of the features, were Miss Dottie Thorburn, Miss Vera Wellingcamp and Rene Genthon. A dainty supper was served. Some of those present were Herbert Wilkinson, Frank Schlosser, Frank Laffray, George Genthon, Arnold Eckhart, Joe Brown, Ray Brown, William Owen, Lola Hoffman, Rene Genthon, Bessie Jessup, Hazel Brown, Dottie Thorburn, Elsie and Adele Andersen, Vera Wellingcamp, Louise Owen, Rosette and Mathilde Genthon…
Clifton’s zeal in forming new societies has not yet abated. Another has been added to the list. The new one is a secret order styled the “F. I. G. s…”
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
Regular Meeting of the Acquackanonk Board of Education.
The regular meeting of the board of education of Acquackanonk Township was held in the boardroom, in the Clifton school building. Members present: Henniger, Smith, Cartwright, Hutchinson, and Nathan. In the absence of the chairman, Mr. Henniger presided.
A letter was received from State Superintendent Baxter giving as his opinion that the township treasurer, Mr. Simmons, is the proper custodian of the school funds. It was passed that the clerk notifies the township committee of the fact so as to insure the faithful performance of this duty.
A communication was received from J. C. Ward, chief inspector department of factories and workshops, enclosing check for $75 for the benefit of the school fund; said amount having been collected from the Mutual Match factory of Clifton, for having employed children under age.
A check for $60 was received from F. W. Anderson, of Wallington, to pay for one year’s tuition for his two sons, now attending the higher classes of Clifton school.
On motion both checks were forwarded to Mr. Kesse, custodian of school funds.
Only one bid was received for coal. It was resolved that the matter be laid over until next meeting, and that more bids be collected.
A Christmas entertainment was held at No. 8 School, Delawanna, last evening; at Lakeview an entertainment will be held Monday evening and at the Botany school Tuesday evening.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 20, 1902
People of Township School Rendered Good Program.
School No. 8, of Delawanna, which has an enrollment of over sixty scholars and is under the able direction of E. L. Kelley, with Miss A. M. Paske, as an assistant, held a Christmas entertainment last evening at the school house. The place was well filled by parents and friends. This school building is one of the best of Acquackanonk Township’s eight schools, and the trustees, Messrs. Hutchison and Sheffler, are to be congratulated upon having it in such good shape.
The program, which appears below was rendered without a break and it would be impossible to select any individual as superior to another, as all were first class. The program is as follows:
Opening Song…
Recitation – Christmas…Anna Haas.
Recitation – Christmas…Bennie Lauhoff.
Recitation – Empty Stockings…Nellie Steckel.
Recitation – Peterkin’s Pumpkin Pie…Oswald Beames.
Recitation – Santa’s Cake…Viola Fredericks.
Song – Far Away…Vocal Solo…Mrs. Hermann.
Recitation – Jack Frost’s Duties…Mildred Van Brunt.
Recitation – A Christmas Dilemma…Hattie Haas.
Recitation – Johnny’s History Lesson…Henry Anderson.
Recitation – The New Church Organ…Olive Doane.
Recitation - Winter…Helen Whitney.
Song – Sing and Float
Recitation – An Eastern Legend…Gladys Dalrymple.
Recitation – Visit of Santa Claus…Bessie Sullivan.
Recitation –Something Unusual…George Ralph.
Recitation – A New Santa Claus, Mandolin and Guitar Duet… Jennie and Maude Williams.
Address…R. Sheffler, Trustee.
Recitation – Signs of Christmas…William Ralph.
Recitation – The Bird’s Petition…May Etta Cummins.
Recitation – How We Tried to Whip the Teacher…Clayton Walters.
Singing – Never Say Fail.
Recitation – The Little Town of Bethlehem…Agnes Steckel.
Recitation – Which One Was Kept…Elsie Beyer.
Recitation – Father at Play…Roy Dalrymple.
Recitation – When…Thomas Hammond.
Address…Prof. Kelley.
Singing – Says Johnny McCree Today.
Recitation – Christmas…Annie Snyder.
Recitation – The Value of Principle…Edward and Oswald Beames.
Recitation – Santa Claus at Morocco…Ferdinand Beyer.
Recitation – An Address to Santa Claus…Lucy Hutchinson.
Recitation – Christmas Like it Used to Be…Viola Sullivan.
Recitation – Santa Claus in Holland…Sophie Gould.
Recitation – A Boy’s Belief…Herbert Endsor.
Recitation – Signs of Christmas…Louisa Geiler.
Recitation – Santa Claus…Blanche Beames.
Recitation – A Katrina’s Visit to New York…Bessie Velders.
Cantata – A Christmas for Santa Claus.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
December 24, 1902 A WEDDING AT ATHENIA
Mary Helms-Morris Married to Avery M. Elliot. REV. M. VAN ARSDALE OFFICIATED
Young People Have Taken a Trip to the South – Affair Was a Quiet One and Only a Few Intimate Friends Were Present.
Last evening the wedding of Mary Helms Morris to Avery M. Elliot, of this city, took place at the home of the bride’s mother at Athenia. The Rev. Mr. Van Arsdale, pastor of the Reformed church of Athenia, performed the ceremony.
The bride was given away by Arthur Helms. Lawyer James Maybury, Jr., acted as best man for the groom. The bridesmaids were Miss Myra Hardenbrook, Miss Alice Hardenbrook, Miss Harriette Underhill and Miss Bessie Hardenbrook. The bride was gowned in white crepe de shine over taffeta trimmed with Irish lace. Miss Myra Hardenbrook and Miss Harriette Underhill wore light blue crepe de chine over blue taffeta. The Misses Alice and Bessie Hardenbrook wore white silk mull over white taffeta. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses; the bridesmaids, red roses.
After the ceremony a reception was tendered to the bride and groom, at which time they received the congratulations of their friends. The collation was served in the dining room. The floral decorations were arranged by McAllister and were exquisite. The reception room and the parlors were profusely decorated with roses and holly. In the front parlor was arranged a tower of palms, under which the ceremony was performed.
After the bride and groom had taken their departure, dancing was indulged in by the young people, which feature of the evening was fully enjoyed. The bride and groom will take a Southern trip and stop at Washington and Richmond while on their tour. The farewell given by the guests will long be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot were the recipients of many useful and pretty gifts.
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Stam, Miss McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DeCamp, F. Decamp, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Underhill, Miss Underhill, Mr. Underhill, Joseph Scanlon, Mr. and Mrs. Van Arsdale, Walter and Charles Van Arsdale, Athenia; Mr. and Mrs. Mix, Ridgewood; Mrs. Henrieta Hardenbrook, Jamaica,.. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Basten, Master Van Dyke Basten of this city.
As Reported in The Passaic Daily News.
Gathered by Donald C. Lotz, 1/8/2003.