July 1902
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Clifton (Acquackanonk) July 100 Years Ago

                                                 July 2, 1902

                                 ACQUACKANONK SOLONS

Official Minutes of the Regular Meeting at Clifton.

            Following are the special minutes of the Acquackanonk Township committee and show what that body did at the meeting last night.

                                    Clifton, N. J., July 1, 1902.

            The regular meeting of the Township Committee was held on the above date, all members being present. The minutes of the meetings held June 3rd and 14th were read, and approved as read.
                The treasurer reported a cash balance of $898.73 and the Clerk reported having collected and turned over to the Treasurer $100.00 circus license fee and $85.00 fines collected for violation of Township ordinances.       
                The County Treasurer, in reply to a question, advised the committee that the amount due the county from the Township account of road work to be $1,605.48.
                The committee appointed to procure furniture for use of the Township Committee, reported having bought a table and the necessary chairs.
                Counsel W. B. Gourley reported that the road repair contract with Richard Berry had been drawn and executed; that the road macadamizing contract with F. J. Marley had been drawn but not executed; progress in the matter of collection of amount due from the East Jersey Water Company, for unpaid taxes, and the matter of bill of Richard Berry; which was referred to him as to its legality, that he did not consider that there was any law bearing directly on the subject; that the matter was one which must be left to the discretion of the committee.    
                The committee appointed to close pool rooms in Lake View, reported that they were satisfied with what had been accomplished.
                On motion the report was received, and the committee continued in power.

The following bills were presented and, on motion, ordered paid:

                Herbert R. Sipp, account of poor, $73.75; services as poor-master, $25.00.  Henry Frederick, account of services as member of Township Committee, $25.00.  Walter B. Kimball, $4.00; Lockwood Brothers Company, $36.00; Cornelius Lefler, $4.00; Harry Mayes, $2.00; J. E. Marcy, $2.00; J.M. Marcy, $2.00; Henry Wellands, $2.00; John E. Blum, $7.00; A. J. Van Brunt, $17.00; C. F. Lynch, $20.00; John S. Berry, $26.00; Benjamin Thomas, $38.50; Richard Berry, $15.00.
                An ordinance amending section 7 of Township License ordinance, so as to make fee for circus license $150.00, was read, and, on motion, laid over until the next meeting.
                Richard Berry offered a bond in the sum of $500.00 for faithful and proper carrying out of road repair contract, with W. B. Gourley and Henry Hohenstein, as sureties.
                On motion, the bond was accepted and offered filed.

                On motion, the amount assessed on tax bill No. 522, for year 1900, was reduced by $101.00 - $100.00 on personal property, and $1.00 on dog tax, and because of error, bill No. 2,000 was reduced $300.00 in valuation of house.                On motion, the committeemen were given authority in their several districts to have Princeton Place and Montclair Avenue turnpiked; Second Street repaired, Madison Avenue repaired from Second Street to Main Avenue, Railroad Avenue repaired, and Giles Street turnpiked.
                On motion, the Clerk was instructed to consult the Engineer relative to repairs on Highland Avenue, and to notify Special Officer Kimball that complaints had been received of frequent violations of the license ordinance in his district, instructing him to give the matter his attention.
                On motion, the committee then adjourned, to meet at 8 p.m., July 7th.
Allison J. Van Brunt,   Township Clerk.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 2, 1902
Clifton, N. J., June 14, 1902
                A special meeting of the Township Committee was held on the above date in Main Avenue hall. Committeeman Piaget being absent.

                On motion, the following named persons were appointed special officers:
                Henry Welland, Arthur Bailey, Joseph E. Marcy, John T. Marcy and Henry P. Simmons.    The clerk was instructed to procure badges for the special officers appointed.
                The repairs contemplated on Township roads were discussed, and on motion, the meeting adjourned.

Allison J. Van Brunt,   Township Clerk.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 2, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happening Gathered For the News.

                Tomorrow night is the date for the International lawn fete under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society. It will be held on Samuel S. Groocock’s grounds and will be open at 5 o’clock. A German supper will be served at 6 o’clock or earlier.

                The Japanese with their tea, the American with ice cream, the French with bonbons, the English with fine linens and the Italians with fruit and peanuts, are all very attractive. There will be ping pong, tennis and croquet sets free to all. There is a promise of two addresses, some singing and anything else needed to make the evening enjoyable. The following are the committees:
                Reception committee – Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alyea and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aspell. American table – Misses Clare Rue, Florence Ker, Lottie Disbrow, Edna Brown, May Birdsall and Nettie Adam, Walter Hascy and Charles Cooper. British table – Mrs. Fred Pearce, Mrs. Joseph P. S. Alyea, Mrs. Tyler, Misses Mary Bailey, Fanny Cooper, Emma Hascy, Mary DeMott, Theodore Price and William H. Ker.
                German supper table – Misses May Shaffer, Alice Cooper, Margaret Clarkson, Edna   ing, Mary Hichenbottom, Jennie Welland, Venessa Furman, Carleton Aspell and Neil Adam. French table – Misses Alice Hascy, Eleanor and Jessie Young, Eva Bogert, Edna Disbrow, Arthur Redfern and Richard Young. Japanese table – Misses Angeline and Hester Nathan, Grace Young, Eva Price, Anna L. Clarkson, Warda Hopper, Samuel Vought and Lester Meloney. Italian table – Messrs. Frances Tilton, Percy Smith, Albert Laffray and Edwin Bowers. All members of the society are requested to be at Mr. Groocock’s at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning and at 1 in the afternoon in order to decorate and prepare booths. All donations, flags, lanterns and other lawn decorations must be on the grounds not later than 3 o’clock.  
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.                                                   

July 5, 1902
Enjoyable Event at the “Willows” the Other Evening.

            One of the most brilliant, the most successful, and most pleasing affairs of the season in Clifton has passed.
                Yesterday the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of our national independence was ushered in by the international lawn fete given by the Christian Endeavor society of young people. The spacious and beautiful grounds, “The Willows,” which were so kindly thrown open by Samuel Groocock, were well filled. Six nations were represented, the American, the English, the German, the Japanese, the French and the Italian. The American, gay with our flag, had a large display of fireworks and also of ice cream.
                When the excitement caused by the booths had subsided, Adam Tornqvist, of Passaic, rendered “The Star Spangled Banner” on the cornet. He followed this with “The Watch on the Rhine.” Afterward William Ker gave a stirring patriotic address. 
                After this the enthusiasm spread quickly and there were calls for cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Groocock, Harry Aspell, the society’s president, and many others.
                The chairman of the social committee desires to thank through these columns, each member of the several committees, each helper and each donor for individual aid.

 As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 5, 1902

         Daily Budget of Village Happening Gathered For the News.

            There was some excitement caused yesterday afternoon about 5 o’clock by the ringing of the fire bell. A lighted balloon fell upon the roof of Mr. Cooper’s house in Passaic Avenue, but only the slightest damage was done.

                An onyx medallion from a fob was lost somewhere in Clifton Thursday. The finder will be suitably rewarded upon the return of the article to William Ker.     

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 7, 1902
Italian Wedding Party Had a Fright
Friends and Neighbors Gathered to Welcome Them Home, But Noise Nearly Caused an Accident – Happened in Clifton.

                A newly married couple was in a runaway yesterday and for a time there was great excitement. The parties are Italian and reside in Lake Street, in Clifton, just over the city line. They were married in the morning by one of the Italian priests and when they returned to the bride’s home the neighbors and friends had prepared a celebration.

                A cannon of fair proportions was brought into play and placed behind the front gate. Just as the carriage containing the couple drove up to the house one of the friends set off the cannon. The horses were frightened, to say nothing of the neighborhood and dashed up the road at a fearful gait. The bride’s screams, coupled with those of the relatives in other coaches, made the affair quite exciting. People hurried from their homes, expecting to see the coach wrecked and the newly married couple killed. A second coach dashed after the first one. Luckily the driver quieted the horses after they had run several blocks.

                The cannon was put away quite suddenly and did not cut any figure in the remainder of the celebration.                  


As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 7, 1902
Murder Theory Strengthened by Investigation

How Came His Body at the Lonely Spot in Clifton and Where is His Gold Watch and Money? – Inquest to be Held on July 21 in This City – Funeral Was Held This Afternoon.

            A thorough investigation into the causes that led to the death of Cornelius Arnesman will be made by the Passaic County authorities.

                Today Dr. F. Y. Yates, of Paterson, came to this city and instructed Constable Burgoyne to empanel a jury. The jury at once viewed the remains, which were at Arnesman’s home in Harrison Street. The inquest will be held on July 21 in this city in the district court room in the Municipal building.

                The jury is made up of Edward Merrell, foreman; Jacob Van Winkle, Fred Geisert, Cornelius Birkhoff, Thomas Hennan and Cornelius Bakelaar. At the inquest Watchman DeWolff, who found the body on the morning of the fourth, and all those who had seen Arnesman, will be summoned.

                The mystery as to how he came to his death is deepening today. Though the county officers have been investigating, little has developed that will throw any light on the case. It has been positively proven that Arnesman a few hours before he met his death had a large amount of money about his person. There are those who saw him at the festival in this city on Thursday night who say that he had from fifty to sixty dollars in bills in an inside coat pocket. It has been said that he produced the roll during the time he was at the festival.

                His relatives are as much at sea as any one in the matter. They say that he had money and as he was not under the influence of drink when last seen and though inquiries at all saloons fail to show that he was at any of them, they cannot account for the finding of his body at the lonely spot in Clifton.

                The wounds on the head are such that might have been made by a club, though they might possibly have been made by the cylinder head of a train.

          The facts that strengthen the murder theory are these:

                Arnesman’s pockets were empty. There were but ten cents found on his person.   His gold watch was gone.  His coat lay in a spot remote from the body.   The body itself lay between the east and west bound tracks on its back.                 No bones were broken and the injuries, which caused death, were behind the right ear. There were several gashes in other portions of the head and one on the right arm.  
          How the man came to be at Clifton at such an early hour – it was past 3 o’clock when watchman DeWolff says he found the body – is mystifying the officials. There is a theory advanced that Arnesman may have met a friend with whom he took a walk. That this friend robbed him after an assault and left the body at the side of the track is a plausible theory. Physicians say they believe the gash at the back of the head caused death and it will be hard to prove whether this gash was made by a train or a club.
                Arnesman owned considerable property besides his home and the plot of ground at 447 Harrison Street. He had lots in Garfield and other places.
                His wife has been dead a number of years and he lived with his two sons in the old house, the last one in Harrison Street, at the foot of the hill.
                There the body lay today when the coroner’s jury viewed it. A picture of Arnesman when he was a policeman in this city, twenty-five years ago, hangs on the wall above the black casket.
                Twenty-five years do not seem to have aged the man much and his face today is as natural as ever. The funeral was held at 2 o’clock from his late home and at 3 o’clock from the Holland church at Quincy Street and Harrison Avenue.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.



July 8, 1902
“We will not let the matter drop until we are assured that father came to his death through accident, “ said the two sons of Cornelius Arnesman to a News man this morning.

                The sons and their brother-in-law, together with Policeman Vonk, are hard at work in an effort to clear up the mystery surrounding the sudden death of the aged man.

                The funeral was held yesterday from the Holland church at Hamilton Avenue and Quincy Street. The pretty church was thronged with the friends and neighbors of the Arnesmans. There were many in the congregation who remembered the dead man. He had been charitable and many a dollar that he gave away to charity was never remembered until yesterday when his friends who had profited by his generosity gathered in the church.

                The Rev. Martin Flipse took occasion to remark that he believed that Mr. Arnesman had met death at the hands of persons unknown. “It is the first time I have ever been called upon to officiate at the funeral of one who has met death in this manner,” he said. “I believe that our dead brother met death at foul hands, and I say, may God pity those who are responsible.” The services were most pathetic and few went away with dry eyes.

                The interment was at Lodi cemetery.

                From investigations made by News reporters the last seen of Arnesman on the fatal July 3 was when he left the festival to go home. He crossed the Erie tracks and passed McKeown’s saloon at the corner of Main Avenue and Oak Street. Then he branched off into the clump of trees known as Scot’s woods. He was seen to enter that point by several persons.

                He never reached his home in Harrison Street. It was always his habit to inform his relatives when he entered the yard late at night. He would awaken them in order that they might not be frightened. They are positive that he did not reach the house after he left it early in the evening.

                He purchased a drink of beer in John Kalf’s saloon in Main Avenue early in the evening but did not return after 7 o’clock.

                The theory advanced by his relatives is that he was set upon in the Scott woods and that he may have been murdered there. They say it is possible that his body was thrown on one of the cars of the freight that left Passaic shortly after midnight, west bound, and that it might have fallen off at Clifton.

                Besides the money and the watch, which are missing, his pocketknife cannot be found. This knife could not be opened by anyone but Arnesman. It had a patent spring that he alone knew the secret of. This he carried on Thursday night, but it was missing when the body was found.

                                                            As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 9, 1902
Authorities Seem to Take Little Interest in the Case

Policeman Vonk is Busy Investigating in His Spare Time, But so Far No Light Has Been Thrown on the Man’s Death – Who Enticed Him to Clifton? Is the Question to Be Solved.

                Little has developed today to throw light on the mysterious death of the late Cornelius Arnesman, of North Passaic. It would appear that the city and county authorities are taking but little interest, for no one could be found who was at work on the case.

                They all appear to believe that Arnesman was enticed to Clifton on Thursday night for the purpose of robbery and that he was assaulted and left on the railroad tracks. Some believe that he was struck by a train after the assault had taken place.

                Who enticed him to the lonely spot is yet to be found out and today’s view of the situation would seem as though it is a mystery that will never be solved.

                The inquest is to be held on July 21, but unless some inquiries are made it can amount to but little; as no effort is being put forth by the authorities to learn the facts in the case.

                Policeman Jacob Vonk, a son-in-law of the dead man, spends all his spare time on the case, but he is the only officer at work.                                          

                                                As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 10, 1902
                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

            The evening of the Fourth of July will be remembered by several families in Clifton, for thieves tried to break into several houses. Mrs. Vanluci was alone in her house while the thief was trying to open the window. Mr. Vanluci returned while the man was still at his work. The thief heard his footsteps and made a dash past him. The neighbors were called, but no traces of the man could be found. They also attempted robbery at Mr. Mackintosh’s residence.

                Yesterday morning Miss Ada Conant hurt herself quite seriously on a wire fence. She was returning from the store with a package under her arm and guiding her wheel, which she was riding, with one hand. The wheel turned and she fell into the fence and cut herself badly…

                Tickets are now out for the lawn fete, which is to be given by the Athletic Club…  

                                                As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
July 11, 1902

                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

            For three consecutive nights the township committee has held meetings to look over the books…

                Considerable excitement has been caused three or four times lately by the animals in the circus at the racetrack. Yesterday afternoon several ponies got away from their places and led their owners on quite a chase before they were caught…     

                                    As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 12, 1902
Mean Act of Some Sneak Reported Today

            Farmer Max’s Fine Garden Completely Ruined During the Night – Has No Enemies and the Reason Cannot Be Explained – Thieves Attempt Robbery Here – Another Clifton Theft.

            About one of the meanest sneaks heard of in some time was the party who destroyed an entire crop of about half an acre of sweet corn which would have matured in about two weeks and could have been shipped to market.

                The crop belonged to Gottlieb Max, a West Clifton farmer, who sells the most of his produce to Passaic storekeepers. The destruction was done on Thursday night and who the perpetrators are is still a mystery. Mr. Max says that he has no enemies and can hardly believe that anyone could be mean enough to injure him in such a way.

                The farmers are to call a meeting and take some action. It is believed that they will employ detectives to try to run down the parties. A watchman will also be employed to patrol the farms at night. The party of parties who are guilty of such an offense might some night do untold damage to some other farm.

                                                          Another Clifton Robbery         

            Another robbery occurred at West Clifton last night. Frank Frankil, who has charge of the racetrack, placed a letterbox at a gate on the Piaget Avenue entrance for the convenience of the letter carrier. The thief stole the box, and Mr. Frankil says that there were two letters in it which he intended the carrier to collect this morning on his rounds. Mr. Frankil offers a reward of $50 for information as to the guilty parties. It is thought that it will come under the postal laws and that the government will take hold of the case.

                                                                Forced Two Locks

            The other night thieves attempted to force their way into the plumbing shop of Wall Brothers, in Quincy Street, near Lexington Avenue. They forced both locks with a jimmy and were about to enter when the burglar alarm went off and woke Richard Wall. He jumped from his bed and, hurriedly dressing, started out to find the thieves. Just as he reached the street a wagon was started and the horse whipped into a gallop. He believes that the thieves had a wagon.

                                                As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 16, 1902
Interesting Review of the Government Station was written by Supt Pope
            How the Imported Stock Is Cared For and Watched After Arrival In New York Harbor – It Is an Important Station.

            In the Breeder’s Gazette, George W. Pope, the superintendent, thus describes the new United States government quarantine station at Athenia, just outside of Passaic:

                The homes of valuable livestock will always be of interest to breeders and stockmen. Of special interest must be the Atlantic coast quarantine stations, established by the United States Department of Agriculture, as these stations become the first, though temporary, home upon American soil of the cream of the old-established herds of Great Britain and the Channel Islands. Of the three Atlantic coast quarantine stations that for the port of New York is the most important and of the greatest interest. It is here that the major portion of imported animals are received. Here the land is owned by the government, which fact insures the erection of permanent buildings and the establishment of such improvements as would be unwarranted upon leased land.

                Throughout the country many owners of stock, not directly engaged in importing animals, may have an indefinite idea of the system in vogue for the quarantine of cattle, swine, sheep and all other ruminating animals entering our country. For all such I will aim to make this article instructive. To those importers who have at various times received animals from the Athenia quarantine station, but who have never personally visited the place, it will be of special interest.

                For a suitable animal quarantine station several features are important. Such a station should be readily accessible and so situated that animals can be directly transferred to it from the ocean steamships either by water or rail. It is important that there be good railroad facilities for shipping animals to their destination at the expiration of the period of detention. A healthful location with land elevated and well drained is desirable, and while somewhat isolated, not to such an extent as to cause importers inconvenience in securing forage of stock and board for attendants. In fact, an ideal quarantine station should be so situated as to receive imported animals with the least possible delay, expense and inconvenience to the owner and at the same time safeguard our native animals from any possible infection; so situated and equipped as to be favorable to the well-being of the new arrivals during their detention, and also offering owners the best of transportation facilities at the expiration of the quarantine period. In some respects a water front would be an ideal location, but suitable and purchasable land accessible to such a port as that of New York is not readily secured. In May, 1900, Congress made an appropriation which enabled the United States Department of Agriculture to take active steps in securing land for a new station, which, of course, signaled an early abandonment of the old station and a return of the property to the leasers. About this time representatives of the department made a thorough and faithful search for a water-front location which would fulfill essential requirements as above given and after a fruitless effort the idea was abandoned. 

                Strangers in New York, travelling westward by lines of rail leading through New Jersey, cannot be very favorably impressed with their first view of that state. The several miles of salt marshes extending along the coast present the monotony of the prairie, but with their lack of  fertility. The traveler is reminded of the traditional mosquito and recalls the fact that this low land is its habitat. This marshy and monotonous waste is, however, soon relieved as the train enters a region of diversified hill and dale, rich in foliage and exhibiting every evidence of thrift and enterprise. It is in this region, twelve miles from New York, as M. Santos Dumont would have us travel, and nestled in the foothills of the Orange Mountains, that the quiet little hamlet of Athenia is found. Forty minutes ride from New York via the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, fifty minutes via the Newark branch of the Erie, eight miles from the large city of Newark, and so favored by nature; it is remarkable that the entire section about Athenia was not years ago claimed for suburban residences.  Fortunately this was not the case and in June, 1900, the Bureau of Animal Industry contracted for the purchase of about forty-five acres adjoining the Erie railroad and one-fourth mile from the freight and passenger station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road. It is to the credit of all concerned that this ideal spot was chosen. It is moreover creditable that the property was contracted for from six owners and the purchase made at a reasonable price and without litigation. Thus the land having been acquired, the state having ceded jurisdiction to the government and the former owners given a reasonable time for vacating, the active work of establishing a new animal quarantine station for the port of New York was begun April 1, 1901.

                One important and practical feature in planning the new station was the location of roads and buildings and in this matter due regard was given to the purposes for which such a building exists – the guarding of our livestock interests from the dangers incidental to the introduction of contagious or infecting diseases. The buildings are isolated and a 32 foot road separates the various yards, that extending from the siding at the railroad is a broad street for receiving and distributing animals to the various buildings. Surrounding the entire plot is a street terminating at each end of the loading platform. This street is for the exit of animals. Thus it will be readily seen that complete isolation of the various importations and avoidance of passing released animals over ground recently covered by new arrivals is easily accomplished.

                But the plotting of the ground is not the first feature observed by a visitor. Standing at the entrance to the grounds and in the center of a five-acre reserve, is the recently completed residence for the superintendent. With a side entrance to the office the building combines utility with substantial grace, and when the landscape artist has completed his work there will be an added beauty to this home like structure. For entrance to the quarantine grounds and buildings a special written permit must be secured at the office, for the station is not an exhibition ground, and a lack of restrictions would be contrary to the purposes for which it was established. If the visitor be an importer returning after a long absence in England, he will invariably prolong his visit at the office and scan with avidity the columns of the Gazette and other livestock papers kept on file – for during his voyage upon the Atlantic some record-breaking sale may have taken place or other great event in the livestock world have occurred. The permit secured, entrance to the grounds and certain specified buildings is allowable.

                The substantial character of the station cannot fail to impress one upon entering the grounds. Ranging in capacity from eleven head up to eighty, the general plan for all is the same. Increased capacity is secured by increasing the length of the building, all other proportions remaining constant. Constructed of brick, with blue stone trimmings, these stables present a permanent and serviceable appearance, and with front and rear entrances sufficiently wide to admit of the passing of a team of horses, there can be no opportunity for cattle to become bruised in entering or leaving their quarters. The exterior of the buildings is but suggestive of the substantial construction of the interior, and after all this is the portion of the grater interest to importers.

                The floor, walls and fittings remind one of the pus-ward of one of our modern hospitals, as the absence of woodwork and the hard, smooth surfaces offer no crevices for the lodgment of bacteria and render the problem of disinfection comparatively simple. Woodwork of the interior of the buildings is confined chiefly to the roof, which is sealed with yellow pine, matched lumber. The feed boxes are of oak and easily removed for cleaning and disinfecting.    Floors and walls are of cement. Gutters are covered with an iron grating and the fittings of tubular iron are firmly imbedded in the cement floors. A passageway of three feet in front of the cattle is a convenience to the attendant when feeding. Buildings with a capacity of eleven head have one large box stall and ten single stalls. In larger buildings the number of box stalls is increased proportionately. Ample provision is made for storing hay and grain and with running water inside each building there is no necessity of turning animals out in inclement weather.

                A vital feature in the construction of a stable is the drainage. This problem is solved by the construction of cesspools for each stable and into this the contents of gutters are drained. It is intended that a hose be attached to the hydrant and the drains thoroughly flushed each day, and upon the attendant’s faithfulness in this matter depends the sanitary condition of drain and stable.

                An ample supply of pure water is essential for such a place as we are describing and in this respect the Athenia quarantine station is particularly fortunate. Standing upon an elevation near the center of the ground is the eleven thousand gallon tank which is fifty-five feet above the front entrance. Below the tank is the pump-house containing the pump and five-horse power gasoline engine. Beneath is the six inch well sunk to depth of one hundred and sixty-eight feet and exhibiting a rise of water to within sixty-eight feet of the surface. Three inch, two inch and one inch pipes are laid throughout the grounds and inside and outside of each building is located a hydrant which, at the attendant’s will, furnishes for the cattle a supply of water unsurpassed in quantity.

                For loading and unloading stock with the least possible risk arrangements at the new station are the best. Inspected animals are not allowed to pass over any highway until released from quarantine. In order to accomplish this the railroad siding is extended to the border of the station property and the stock is loaded directly upon the quarantine grounds.

                Excepting at some of the large stock yards in our country the loading and unloading facilities are such that cattle must pass up or down a steep incline. This objectionable feature does not exist at the new station, for the track is depressed, permitting animals to load at once from the car upon terra firma, thus reducing to a minimum the dangers incidental to shipment.

                There are at present at the Athenia station fifteen buildings with an aggregate capacity of four hundred and twenty-five cattle. Each importation is assigned a separate yard and stable and attendants upon one importation are forbidden to enter buildings or enclosures where animals of [any] other importation are held, as this is a quarantine station and isolation is essential.

                The expense for transportation and feed must be met by the importer and it devolves upon him to furnish an attendant. The superintendent of the station, a veterinarian, carefully inspects the animals immediately upon arrival of the ship in port and during the quarantine period observes them for evidences of contagious or infectious diseases and when it is required furnishes medical attendance. Other regular employees assist the superintendent in his duties, care for the roads and fences, repair and disinfect buildings and assist in loading and unloading livestock.

                The quarantine period for cattle is ninety days from the date of sailing of ship which allowing ten days for the Trans-Atlantic passage, means about eighty days at the station. For swine, sheep and other ruminating animals such as goats, deer and camels the period of detention is fifteen days actual time at the station.

                There has been expended thus far at Athenia $61,000 in round numbers and of this amount $31,000 was for land and residence and the balance for stables, water system, fencing and miscellaneous items. Only one year has passed since active work was begun. Less than eight months ago the first importation was received and it could not be expected that in such a short time all improvements could have been established. The thorough equipment of such a place is a matter of years rather than months. A new appropriation made by Congress and available July 1, will admit of the further erection of buildings and the continuation of improvements which are but the beginning of a thoroughly equipped and model station admirably adapted to the purpose for which it was established.                           As reported in the Passaic Daily News.



July 22, 1902
Murder Theory Not Upheld In Death of Cornelius Arnesman
Dr. Yates Examined a Number of Witnesses Last Night, But Little Additional Testimony Was Advanced – Dead Man Was Last Seen at 13:10 O’clock on July 3 In Main Avenue.

                The undersigned coroner’s jury empanelled to inquire into the death of Cornelius Arnesmann, do find that the deceased came to his death on July 4, at Clifton, Passaic County, N. J. We further find that the said Cornelius Arnesman came to his death accidentally having been struck by a passing train while on the tracks of the Erie Railroad company.

                Edward Morrell, Jacob Van Winkle, Cornelius Burkhoff, Thomas Horan, Fred Geisert, Cornelius Bakelaar.

                After an investigation lasting two hours the coroner’s jury empanelled to bear evidence in the death of Cornelius Arnesman, late of this city, whose body was found on the morning of July 4, at Clifton, on the Erie railroad tracks, last night brought in a verdict of death from accident, thereby dissolving the theory of murder.

                When Arnesman’s body was found, the fact that it was in such a locality and that his watch and money were missing, led to the general belief that there had been foul play and the police of this city acting under Chief of Police Hendry began an investigation. Coroner Yates, of Paterson, was called on and ordered a jury drawn, which was done by Constable Burgoyne. The inquest last night was the result of the investigations.    

       No evidence to show that Arnesman had met with foul play was adduced and in fact the witnesses called could not testify to more than the bare fact that Arnesman had been seen in this city on the night before the Fourth, that he was not drunk, and that he was not on bad terms with any one. How he came to be in Clifton on the Erie tracks between midnight on July 3 and the time his body was found the next morning, will never be known.

                The verdict of the jury declares that he met with accidental death, through his own act in being on the tracks at night.

                The district court room in the Municipal building was crowded when Coroner Yates opened the inquest. Chief Hendry assisted him in his questioning. John Keefe, of Paterson, was stenographer, and Constable Burgoyne attendant.

                Charles DeWolff, the Holland watchman at the Consumers Match works, was the first witness called. He did not seem to understand the nature of the investigation and created some amusement by his attempts to make himself known. During the inquest he declared that one of the previous witnesses was a “liar,” and emphatically denounced his testimony. He often contradicted himself but this was probably due to the fact that he was excited by the attempts of the coroner to get a straight story.

                DeWolff’s testimony was not unlike his stories of the finding of the body, as have been repeatedly told in the News. It would appear, however, that he left the mill during the night to walk up the track and discovered the body on the rails. Whether he returned to the mill and waited until daylight, or immediately notified Thomas Bowman, the operator in the Erie signal tower a few hundred yards away, was not made plain.

                At all events, DeWolff discovered the body as well as the man’s coat. He placed the latter over the man’s head and then returned to the mill, where he waited until the foreman arrived in the morning. Mr. Bowen testified that DeWolff notified him of the finding of the body about 3:30 o’clock. DeWolff said that he at first thought that the body was that of a drunken man or tramp and did not disturb it, but when it had not moved he investigated and learned that the man was dead. He had not known Arnesman and never saw him previous to this night.

                Mr. Bowen, the Erie operator, testified to the fact that he was notified of the finding of the body and that he sent word of the affair to the company office and saw that the undertakers sent by the county physician took the body away. He heard no fight during the night or anything that would tend to show that there had been a row in that vicinity.

                Policeman Jacob Vonk, a son-in-law of the dead man, was called to the stand and questioned at length. He spent some time investigating the murder theory and his testimony was given to show what he had accomplished. Mr. Vonk declared that his father-in-law had a dollar watch on the night he left home, but that when found there was but ten cents in his pocket. The watch was missing. One eyeglass was broken. He gave a detailed statement of the place where the body was found and in answer to questions, declared that Mr. Arnesman wasn’t what would be called a drinker, and rarely staid out at night, except in winter when he cared for steam boilers in several buildings in this city.

                Arnesman, declared Mr. Vonk, worked on July 3, at John A. Willet’s place. He had no enemies and was not on bad terms with any one as far as was known.

                Dr, McBride, the county physician, was next called. He said that he had examined the wounds on the dead man and believed that they were made by the impact with a train. He said he knew of no instrument that would cause the same injuries. The back and side of the man’s head had been crushed. Parts of the skull were loose and the brain had been mangled. There were two contusions on the wrist.

                Samuel Howard, a son-in-law of the dead man, who lived at his home with his wife and two children, was next called. He said that the aged man left the home at four o'’lock to go down town to do some work. He did not return and they did not see him again until his body was brought there by an undertaker. Arnesman, declared that witness, had no enemies and was not on bad terms with any one. He never saw the man drunk but believed that he took beer once in a while.

                Chief of Police Hendry was put on the stand to tell what he had learned about the case. He testified that he had learned that Arnesman had been at the Hospital festival that evening and had last been seen on Main Avenue at Scott’s woos. The Chief went to the scene of the finding of the body and there saw pieces of skull and hair on the end of the railroad ties. It looked as though the man’s head had struck the wood. He also interviewed the watchman and learned his story.

                Henry Hosptra, of Sherman Street, was the last man to see Arnesman, as far as is known. In company with several others this young man was walking up Main Avenue towards his home when Arnesman crossed from the Erie tracks at Oak Street and started towards Scott’s woods. He was walking fast. The witness did not think Arnesman had been drinking heavily though he saw him in Kalf’s saloon earlier in the evening.

                John Hook, a young man living in North Passaic, saw Arnesman on Central Avenue between 11:30 and 12 o’clock on the night of July 3. He was on Central Avenue and was carrying his coat on his arm. The witness said Arnesman was walking slow and seemed to “lap.” This he explained was limping as though he was lame.

                Henry Haerman, another boy, was called but knew practically nothing of the case. He saw the man, which he believed was Arnesman on the night of July 3.

                George Marcy and Herbert Westing, two young men, lost the last car from Paterson on the night before the Fourth and walked to Passaic. They crossed from Main Avenue through the lane near the match factory and met watchman DeWolff who told them of the finding of the body. They looked at it and then went to the Erie tower where they waited until the undertaker arrived. There was blood on the ties, one of the witnesses stated, as well as pieces of bone and brain. They thought a train had struck the body.

                Charles DeWolff, the watchman, was recalled to explain some of his previous testimony, which was not made clear. He gave no additional details except that he denied having found the body at 3:30 o’clock. He said it was daylight when he made his discovery.

                Frank Franklin, a foreman in the match works was called and told of the watchman reporting the finding of the body.

                Andrew Arnesman, a son of the deceased was called to testify to the results of his investigations with Policeman Vonk and Mr. Howard. He said his wife saw his father at the festival on the night of July 3 and talked with him. The witness did not see him that day and not again until the body was brought to the house.

                This ended the taking of testimony. Coroner Yates told the jury to carefully consider the testimony and render a verdict accordingly. The jury retired to a room and then ten minutes later brought in the verdict as given above.    

                                                As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 23, 1902

     Fish Horn Accompaniment to Sunday Baseball Shocks Residents.

                People resident within a half mile of the Olympic ground were treated on Sunday to the worse kind of ragtime music. The baseball game drew together about 600 rooters. Each had a fish horn, and their blowing on the ears was bad enough but at the grounds for three or four hours the tooting was such a nuisance that the neighbors are exasperated. If it should be permitted to occur again, it is likely to put an end to Sunday ball playing. Not for an instant was the deafening blowing of fish horns stopped, and all the church people at times heard more of it than of pulpit exhortation, while the singing was drowned by instruments outside.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


July 26, 1902
                In Acquackanonk Township there was the usual tussle. The primary was at Clifton Hotel.
                Two tickets were in the field, both being represented by influential citizens of the township. The Barbour ticket, however, had en easy thing of it, winning out by a majority of 73.   The fight was a friendly one and both factions are perfectly satisfied.           Postmaster Ker did his utmost for Mr. Stewart, while ex-postmaster Webb, who had been a life long Democrat, worked hard for Mr. Barbour.

                The result was:

Barbour ------------------------------------------------------------- 131

Stewart ---------------------------------------------------------------  58

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

July 28, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
                Mr. Conant will begin repairs on the Clifton Post Office tomorrow. The old partition is to be torn down and a new one put up. The new one will be across the building from front to rear, instead of the position the present one occupies. There will be two new distributing desks for the letter carriers to sort the mails.

                The lawn party given by the Athletic Club on Norman Clarkson’s lawn Saturday evening was a success financially. Although the evening was threatening a large number attended. About sixty dollars was taken in. It is not known how many tickets were sold, but $10 in money was taken in at the entrance. Everything was sold. The fancy table under Miss Jeanette Adam’s direction realized about $11, the cake table, which Mrs. Styles had, a sum of $7. The ping-pong table brought in $1.50. Chances were sold on a watermelon and Mr. Neil Adam won this. There were guesses on the weight of a large cake, which weighed over 3 pounds, and Mrs. Harry Aspell and Miss Lottie Disbrow divided it between them. A handsome pillow, which McLeod Wylie received, made $3. A great deal of ice cream was sold also. The grounds were prettily decorated and lighted with Japanese lanterns. The club will meet tonight at the clubrooms.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

                As gathered by Donald C. Lotz 7/18/2002. 

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