October 1902
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Clifton (Acquackanonk) October 100 Years Ago

October 1, 1902  
September Meeting of the Board of  Education

                         COAL QUESTION A SERIOUS ONE

No Supply in Sight and the Trustees are Confronted by a Big Problem -  
Other Matters Discussed at the Meeting.

        The September meeting of Acquackanonk's school board was held last evening at the Clifton school house, Messrs. Barrett, Smith, Hutchinson, Nathan, Henninger, Hepburn, Cartwright, and Sheffler, who compose the entire board, being present.

        The coal question is as serious in the township as in other localities. Messrs. Barrett and Smith are to try to solve the problem of securing the fuel for the school. A ton had to be purchased for the Delawanna school, for which they were charged $8.00. Should it be necessary to pay the same amount for the supplying of all schools the amount will be a large one as there are now eight in the township.

        Another new feature, which the board will soon inaugurate will be the employment of a truant officer. The matter of selecting one and reporting to the board at the next meeting was referred to the committee on education.

        That the township schools are progressing in the matter of education was demonstrated by the application of Ernest W. and Charles F. Anderson, of Wallington, for admission to the Clifton school, which is now graded as a high school, and from which scholars who have graduated are eligible to enter any college. Heretofore pupils were compelled to attend either the Paterson or Passaic High Schools.

        The Anderson scholars will pay $30 each a year to the township for their education.

        The new school at Delawanna was reported by Mr. Hutchinson to be overcrowded. The matter will be looked into by the committee on education. The first and second grades at the Lakeview are also overcrowded. The same committee will investigate.

        Miss Parks was engaged on trial to instruct at No. 8 school in Delawanna in place of Miss Smahey, resigned.

        County Superintendent Wilcox reported that ten scholars were transferred to Montclair school.

        President Barrett reported that the new addition to the Albion Place school had been completed and work done satisfactorily.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 2, 1902
Wesley Buckley Makes Application to Judge Scott.

        Wesley Buckley, of Clifton, ahs made an application for a license before Judge Scott, to open a hotel at Arlington Avenue and Lexington Avenue. A hearing was held yesterday, but no definite action was taken, the case being adjourned until tomorrow.

        Justice of the Peace Finn and a number of other residents in that vicinity are opposing Mr. Buckley.    

As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 


October 3, 1902
In Acquackanonk

        "We want Hiram Keasler returned to the assembly again," were the utterances of all the Republicans, and there were over one hundred present, who attended the primary at the Clifton hotel last evening. That they meant what they said was demonstrated when nominations were called for. The following candidates were selected, who are all in favor of Mr. Keasler: George F. Schmidt, Charles F. Daymond, Henry Fredericks, John H. Prentiss, Henry D. Simmons.                

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.          



October 3, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happening Gathered For the News.

        Some of the influential Clifton people are forwarding a remonstrance against the building of a hotel and barroom on the corner of Lexington and Arlington Avenues. Thomas Young owns the property. Clifton has already too many hotels, they say, and the townsmen are active in taking steps that a license shall not be granted to Thomas Young. Already many have signed and other names follow every day...

        The secretary of the Clifton Athletic club has prepared a vote of thanks, to be published in these columns, to the Clifton women who presented them with an American flag. It is as follows:

        "To the ladies of Clifton who presented to the Clifton Athletic club the beautiful symbol of Old Glory is extended our warmest thanks. The flag was laid on the president's table at our meeting held on Monday evening, and when the meeting opened it was unfolded and admired by all, not only for the quality, but because of the feeling that is behind such a present. Before the regular business could be reached a motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that a vote of thanks be sent through the paper to the ladies who have so kindly remembered us.

        "The dearest thing of all to us natural born Americans is the old "Red, White and Blue.' And long may it wave o'er the land of the free and the home of our club! I was also requested at the same meeting to thank those who made the evening of our anniversary reception so enjoyable. Of course, we would not forget to thank those who showed us a kindness in this time.

        "If it is sufficient reward to you that we should extend our warmest thanks for the great kindnesses which have been bestowed upon us, it is to that end that I write as secretary of the C. A. C."

 As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 4, 1902
Delegation Appeared Before Sewerage Commission Yesterday.

        A delegation representing Acquackanonk township was given a hearing by the Passaic Valley District Sewerage commission in the rooms of the commission on the fourth floor of the Prudential building, Newark, yesterday afternoon.

        John McClintock, a Boston engineer, who has for some time been adversely criticizing the presentations of the several commissions recommending a trunk sewer was heard. Mr. McClintock expressed the opinion that trunk sewer from Paterson to Newark bay would be too costly, unwieldy and in every way unsatisfactory. He offered suggestions for the elucidation of the sewer problem without going to the expense of a trunk sewer.  

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 4, 1902
The Clifton School

        Editor Daily News:  -The statement of your correspondent in your issue of Wednesday, under the head of "Quacknick School Affairs," makes two declarations so utterly at variance with the truth concerning our schools as to be entirely misleading. He says concerning the added grades of the Clifton school constituting a High school that "scholars who have graduated are eligible to enter any college," and, again "heretofore pupils were compelled to attend either Paterson or Passaic High school."

        Now, the exact opposite statement is true. The Clifton High school does not prepare for any college. It would require just four years for a Clifton High school, so called, graduate to prepare for a regular college course, classical, Latin or scientific.

        The added ninth and tenth grades will not advance a pupil a single term in these courses in either the Passaic or Paterson High school, and as to being equivalent in these courses in the aforementioned cities, it would require a Clifton graduate just four years to complete the course of study in either city.

        Parents and children should not be deceived. A student who spends two years in the ninth and tenth grades will be no nearer graduating from Passaic or Paterson except in the item of mathematics, and this gains no time for the pupil, because the badly arranged course has no connection with any course elsewhere.

        The plain truth is that the Clifton school is not a High school, save in name.

        We have an excellent principal, supported by good teachers and an earnest well-meaning school board. Who is responsible for this ill-arranged course, that is fifty years behind the present well-arranged curriculum of other schools?

        The principal and the intelligent people of Clifton want a logical and well-arranged course, connecting our school with advanced courses elsewhere; but the principal is overruled. In the meanwhile people who pay heavy taxes and people who pay none are obliged to send their children away to other schools two years before it should be necessary, or keep them at home.

        A well-arranged course would attract home-seekers, who cannot locate here and pay rents and, in addition, the heavy tuition fees of Passaic and the added carfare.

        The rich can afford it; the poor cannot. If any one doubts the truth of these statements, let him examine the school catalogues of Passaic and Paterson with the ninth and tenth grades of Clifton school, and it will be seen that the ninth and tenth grades make a very poor "man of straw."

        Let us repeat: The Clifton school has an excellent corps of teachers, who are doing good work. They cannot be too highly praised. Mr. Nathan, our representative in the school board, is an earnest and devoted worker. But of the ninth and tenth grades we will say no more. They should be covered with that mantle which we are taught covers a multitude of sins.

        Let us exercise a forgiving spirit toward those who are responsible for a misuse of two precise years of the school life of our boys and girls in this busy twentieth century, when every day is precious.

                                                Signed CLIFTONITE.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 8, 1902
Acquackanonk Cannot Remove Telephone or Telegraph Poles.

        What seems to be a strange law, and one in which the townships are greatly interested, is the fact that they have no authority in the matter of erecting or taking down telegraph or telephone poles.

        Counselor William B. Gourley, at the township committee of Acquackanonk meeting last night, gave as his opinion that wherever the telegraph or telephone companies secured the privilege of the property-holder to place a pole, the committee could not interfere in any way. This is a matter over which the telephone and telegraph companies have had a great deal of litigation in other townships besides Acquackanonk. At a recent meeting Mr. Gourley, who is the township counsel, was instructed to investigate the matter, and the above was his conclusion. The law is an old one, and it is likely that at the coming legislature efforts will be made to have it repealed.

        Other matters discussed at the meeting appear in the official minutes, which follow:

Clifton, October 7, 1902.

        The regular monthly meeting of the township committee was held on the above date, all members being present. The minutes of the meetings held September 2, 16, and 29 were read and approved as read.

        The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $233.59.

        The committee on gates required at Crooks Avenue of the Erie railroad, reported that the railroad company had not replied to their last letter on the subject. On motion the committee were continued in power.

        The counsel reported having attended the last session of the Passaic sewerage and drainage commission, and briefly repeated the substance of his argument before the commissioners, which was to the effect that as Acquackanonk had not been a polluter of the Passaic river it was unfair to compel Acquackanonk to pay for its purification, and that Acquackanonk did not at this time require sewerage and would not for some time to come.

        The counsel advised the committee that, in his opinion, they had no power to order the removal of telephone or other poles erected on curb lines of roads in the township with the consent of property owners, and gave legal reasons for his opinion, which he said was shared by several lawyers familiar with the law on the subject.

        The mater of the protest of the Western Union Telegraph company against amount taxed them by the township for the year 1900 was referred to the counsel and collector for attention.

        The collector made his return on warrant for sale of lands for unpaid taxes of the year 1900. On motion it was received and ordered filed.

        On motion the treasurer was instructed to refund to Mrs. M. Barclay $15.68, being the amount paid by her in error on tax bill. On motion tax bill No. 878 was remitted and order cancelled off record, because of double assessment.

        The following bills were presented and on motion ordered paid: Wise & Watson, $43; Henry Hohenstein, $30; News Publishing company, $162; Henry D. Simmons, $50; Herbert R. Sipp, $70.75; Nestor Among, $931.24.

        An offer was received from T. S. Work to furnish roadside signs, set in place as directed, on cedar posts, at $3.30 each. After reports from others who had secured prices on the required posts, on motion the offer was accepted, and the clerk directed to notify T. S. Work of the acceptance.

          On motion it was decided to meet to inspect the roads on October 18 at 1 p.m. and on motion the committee then adjourned.

                                        Allison J. Van Brunt
                                        Township Clerk      
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 10, 1902

                       "Tip" Got to Resorts in Clifton Ahead of Time

                                  THERE WAS NOTHING DOIN'

County Officials Failed to Find Any Sign of a Gambling Place When They Made a Visit Yesterday - Local Sports Have No Place to Go For the Present - Grand Jury Investigation?

        When the word went out yesterday that the Passaic County grand jury was about to take up the question of gambling and racetrack poolrooms in Clifton and Lakeview, it caused some excitement in the two or more "joints" said to be in operation in that section of the county.

        Judge Dixon, in his charge to the grand jury, had directed it to look into the matter, and the jurymen, it is claimed, are following his advice.

        The doors of the two popular places were closed tight yesterday, and the paraphernalia used in making bets on the races were secreted. The hundreds of Passaic sports who visited the place yesterday found only locked doors, and not one of the managers in sight.

        It did not take long for the "tip" to get around the city and the afternoon crowd kept out of the way.

        It is said that several county officers visited the place yesterday to get evidence, but as there was no one in sight and not a sign of a gambling place or a poolroom in sight, they returned to Paterson.

        How long the poolroom will be closed is only determined by the activity of the grand jurymen.

        One of the patrons of a certain so-called poolroom, in talking about the closing of the place, said today:

        "No danger. We won't be out in the cold long. The manager of one of theses places will be running again, if he has to hire a church."   

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 10, 1902

                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

        A number of Clifton people attended the graduating exercise of the Passaic General hospital last evening...

        The meeting of the Hercules Athletic club, which was to have been held Wednesday afternoon at the hall, is postponed until next Wednesday...

        There is a new letter box on the corner of Union Avenue and Second Street. This adds greatly to the convenience of all. Another advantage is a poster on the corner of Passaic and Main Avenues, bearing the name of the street. If all the corners were marked, it would save trouble. Probably few people know that the street running out from Union between Second and Third Streets, is called Maple Place...              

                        As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 13, 1902

 Places in Clifton Said to Be Doing Business the Same as Always.

        The closing of the poolrooms so-called, at Clifton was not for long. They are wide open again, if reports are to be believed, and bets are being made on the races at the same old stands.

        Passaic sports can be seen taking the Clifton cars any afternoon, only they get off and walk a few blocks before the cars pass the joints.      

                                                As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 13, 1902

                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

        Some excitement was caused the readers of the Clifton and Athenia Weekly by a rather startling account of a find by Judge Maybury. The account read that an almost new uniform had been found by the judge under a pile of stones near his home, and that detectives have been able to find no solution of Clifton's mystery. The truth of the whole thing, stripped of ornament, is that a very dirty and ragged coat and hat were found among the stones. In truth, the coat had soldier buttons on it. A visit to Mr. Maybury's home this morning discovered the truth. Captain McBride, who happened to be passing at the time the coat was unearthed, remarked that he would send down a detective. It is needless to say that none appeared.

        Miss Harvey, formerly of the Garfield school, who had been engaged to teach the sixth and seventh grades of the Clifton school, has secured a better position elsewhere. Miss Bessie Hatch, who has been teaching in East Morris, Conn., has consented to take the position. Miss Hatch, besides being an able instructor, has had every advantage to fit her for the work. She has taken a full course in the classical department of the Millerton, New York, school and spent two years in a school of pedagogy...   

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 18, 1902

                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

        The Clifton Card club was pleasantly entertained Thursday night at the home of Miss Bertha Genthon, in Passaic Avenue. Many were present and the first card party of the club was well enjoyed. The next will be held Thursday, November 7...

        Superintendent Ker, of the Clifton postal station, has put all the letter boxes recently received from the contractors in place, one being at each of the following places: Corner Main and Hadley avenues, corner Main and Clifton, corner Main and Union, corner Main and Piaget, corner First and DeMott avenue, corner Second street and Madison avenue, corner Clifton avenue and Second street, corner Clifton Ave and Third street, corner Passaic and Third street, corner Union and Second street, corner Lexington and Marcellus place, corner Lexington and Clifton avenues, Lexington avenue in front of the residence of L. C. Randall, corner Arlington and Lakeview avenues, Ackerman avenue in front of the residence of George Young, and at the junction of Parker and Dayton avenues. Collections are made twice daily from these boxes, the carriers collecting as they deliver. In ordinary cases mail dropped in these boxes would be dispatched promptly enough, but in case the residents of Clifton have mail to send away that for any reason they wish to rush, it will be expedited by dispatching it at the post office. Mr. Ker also states that he has petitioned the superintendent of railway mail service to add to the postal facilities by giving one more mail each way daily, one in on the train reaching Clifton at 3:23 p. m. from New York. This mail, if allowed, will bring the larger part of the mail now reaching here at 5 p. m. in time for the afternoon delivery, and one outgoing mail closing at 6:20 p. m., one hour later than at present. If this is allowed it will enable Mr. Ker to dispatch the mail collected by the carriers on the afternoon delivery the same night instead of holding it at the post office until the next day.        

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 24, 1902

                 Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.

        Our Clifton readers did not receive their favorite paper last night. This was not the fault of the carrier of the News office. The motorman of an electric car takes the papers to Clifton every evening and throws them off at Disbrow's store, but last night he took them to Paterson and left them there.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


October 30, 1902

       Acquackanonk Township Has 1,241 Voters for the Fall Election.    

        The total registration in Acquackanonk Township this fall is heavy, as is shown by the figures taken from the list in the three districts:                                  

        First district,                          697

        Second district,                    316

        Third district,                         288

        Total,                                    1,241 (sic)

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.


 October 30, 1902

                 Meeting of the Acquackanonk Board Last Evening

                       A LIST OF THE PRINCIPALS' SALARIES

    Reward of $10 Offered For Arrest of Parties Damaging School Property -

                    Committee on Education Sends in a Complete Report.

        The Acquackanonk Board of Education met at Clifton Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. President Barrett was in the chair. The members present were Messrs. Smith, Hutchinson, Cartwright, Henniger, Scheffler and Nathan.

        On motion, a reward of $10.00 was offered for the arrest and conviction of the persons breaking windows and otherwise damaging the Clifton school property.

        The committee on fuel reported that they had succeeded in getting a car load of stove coal from Williams & Peters of the Erie at $4.50 a long ton, and a carload of pea coal from White & Hopper, representatives of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad.

        On motion a letter of thanks was sent to those firms for their prompt aid.

        On motion of Mr. Barrett, it was resolved that a list of the children of school age not attending school be procured through the principals, teachers, and trustees of the different sections of the township and presented at the next meeting of the board, so that steps may be taken to compel their attendance. He cited several cases where children were being deprived of their schooling through the carelessness of parents, who prefer to let them roam the streets, thus allowing them to grow up in ignorance and to the danger of the community.

        On motion of Mr. Nathan, it was resolved that a committee be appointed to see that the schools are properly ventilated. He said:

        "This is a matter that has given this board a great deal of solicitude. On their semi-annual visit they have noticed that the air in some class rooms in old buildings is not what it should be, but how to overcome it without tearing the buildings apart and adopting the system of ventilation as now laid down by the state board of education for new school buildings has been the problem. Fresh air is as important as pure water and pure food; yet neither the state board of education nor the boards of health pay any attention to this important question as regards schools already built, so that children all over the state are compelled to sit in a foul and disease breeding atmosphere and many a little life has been, and is now being sacrificed through this cause."

        He continued: "An experimental system had been in operation in one of the class rooms of the Clifton school for the past week, and has given entire satisfaction."

        He moved that it be applied to all the old schools in the township. Any carpenter can make the change at about a cost of $3.50 per room. The motion was carried. The committee appointed was Messrs. Nathan, Hutchinson and Baker.

        The report of the committee on education was next presented and is as follows:

        Heretofore there has been no regulated system of grading teachers' salaries and we respectfully offer the following:

        Resolved, that assistant teachers' salaries be graded as follows:

        Minimum salary shall be $450 per annum and maximum salary $600. That all assistant teachers who have completed their term to the satisfaction of the board and who are re-engaged, shall be advanced $25 per annum until they reach the maximum of $600.

        Resolved. That principals' salaries shall be graded as follows:

        Principals with one assistant teacher, minimum per annum, $600, maximum, $700; principals with two assistant teachers, minimum, $650, maximum, $750; with three assistant teachers, minimum $700, maximum, $800; principals with four assistant teachers, minimum, $750, maximum, $850; principals with five assistant teachers, minimum, $800, maximum, $900; principals with six assistant teachers, minimum, $850, maximum, $950; principals with seven assistant teachers, minimum, $900, maximum, $1,000. And that they be advanced from the minimum to the maximum at the rate of $50 per annum.

        Resolved. That no teachers shall be released from their contracts without giving the clerk thirty days notice, or until their places have been satisfactorily filled, the board also to give teachers thirty days notice before dismissal.

        Resolved. That whenever a vacancy occurs in the schools, teachers already employed in this township and who may apply for same shall be given the preference, provided they are deemed qualified by the board to fill the position.

        Resolved. That the above shall take effect July 1st, 1902.  

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
As gathered by Donald C. Lotz 10/1/2002.

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