September 1902
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Clifton (Acquackanonk) September 100 Years Ago

September 3, 1902  
Acquackanonk Township Meeting
Clifton, September 2, 1902.
The regular monthly meeting of the Township Committee was held on the above date, Committeeman Piaget being absent. The minutes of the meetings held August 5th and 22nd were read and approved as read. The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $743.96. The following bills were presented and on motion ordered paid: Herbert R. Sip, $100; John Malcolm, $15.30; News Publishing company, $29.75; John S. Berry, $80.40; Richard Berry, $362.42; William L. Whitmore, $22.50; Nestor Among, on account, $400; Francis J. Marley presented a bill of  $950, which on motion was laid on the table. Russell W. McKee requested that the costs and expenses on tax bills of Anna McKee for year 1900 and 1901 be remitted. On motion the request was denied. Notices were received from the county clerk of the election to be held November 4, 1902, and a list of officials to be elected. On motion the notice was received and ordered filed. At request of Collector H. B. Kesse, the following tax bills were remitted because of double assessments and ordered cancelled of record: Nos. 671,748, 911, 1343, 1686, 1784, 1788, 1318, 2214, 2201, 1791, 2084, 2121, 2213, 1253, 1258, 34X, and 663, all for the year 1900. On motion James J. Guppy was appointed a special officer of the township at pleasure of the committee, ex John Blum, resigned. In the matter of the gates at crossing of the Erie railroad company with Crooks Avenue, the chairman was continued as a committee with power and instructed to act with the counsel to compel the erection of gates by the railroad company at the point. On motion the counsel was requested to advise the committee what steps could be taken to compel the removal of poles erected by the New York and New Jersey Telephone Company on curb line of road not specified in ordinance granted said telephone company, and on motion the committee then adjourned to meet next on September 16 at 8 p.m.
ALLISON J. VAN BRUNT Township Clerk.   
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

September 5, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happening Gathered For the News.

      There have been several burglaries in Clifton lately. Wednesday evening, two men went to several of the residents of Clifton, looking for a boarding place. At last they arrived at Mrs. Owen's and said, they were recommended by Mr. Hoffmann. So Mrs. Owen took them and gave them their meals and a room. One of the men said that he would return to Elizabeth, where he lived, and make(s) all arrangements for leaving there as they had hired a store in Clifton and intended opening a butcher shop. The other man remained, and Thursday morning, while Mrs. Owen was doing her housework, the man collected all the valuables in the house and escaped. The theft was not discovered until Mrs. Owen happened to go up stairs where everything was found upset...

Do not forget the peach festival this evening on the lawn of the Reformed church...  

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

September 5, 1902
      Katherina Diem and John C., her husband, to Bridget Broderick, Acquackanonk township; southwest corner of Claremont Place and Barkley Avenue, 60x113, $1.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.                               

September 6, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happening Gathered For the News.
      The peach festival which, was held at the Reformed church last night was quite a success and in spite of the cool weather a large amount of ice cream was sold. Among the features was a piano solo by Miss Mae Nagle one by Miss Harriet Sonther and a vocal solo by Miss Strayer of Passaic. There was a large attendance and it is evident that if the people show as much enthusiasm in the future as they have in the past Clifton will very soon have a new church.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

September 10, 1902
He Was Well-Known to Frequenters of Clifton Track
For Twenty-Five Years He Was Superintendent of the Brighton Beach Course,
But Once Resided in Clifton - Had Many Friends.
It was with a sense of personal loss that turfmen yesterday learned of the death of James Clare, for a quarter of a century the superintendent of the Brighton Beach racecourse. When death, with terrible but gentle hand, lulled Jim Clare to sleep it bore across the Great Divide a kindly man, who, by a thousand kindly deeds endeared himself to his fellow man. As Jim Clare he was known and loved by horsemen the country over. Through every difficulty, through the thousand and one troubles, which his position entailed, the sunshine of his disposition shone warm and clear, making of every acquaintance a friend and welding into stronger bonds, friendship already existing.
      Mr. Clare was a sick man before the opening of the Brighton meeting on July 5. A carbuncle on the back of his neck gave him great trouble, and his doctors besought him to have an operation performed, warning him that delay would be fatal. But the meeting was at hand. For twenty-five years he had prepared the fastest and safest mile track in America, and he would not quit now. The operation could wait - so he thought  - and in any event, he must be at his post during the meeting. Then came a trotting meeting, and this also he must see through. His duties over, he placed himself in the hands of the surgeons. An operation was performed, and at first it was believed successfully. Blood poisoning set in, however, and at 8 o'clock Monday evening Jim Clare, as he was affectionately called, with his wife, three sons and daughter at his bedside, passed away.
      Greater men than Jim Clare might wish that when death beckoned them away they would leave behind them as much of genuine regret as his passing has created among the thousands who knew him. To paraphrase the words of a famous orator, if every kind word said of him yesterday were a blossom and each were dropped on his bier he would sleep beneath a wilderness of flowers.
      Frequenters of the old Clifton Racetrack, in the balmy days, will remember James Clare. He at one time lived in Clifton, where his sons were equally well known. Clare was a man who made friends.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.  

September 12, 1902
He Was Angered Because of Strife Between His Parents - He Took Sides with His Mother
      "Your name will die with you. You are not my father from this time on, and my children shall not have the same name as yours. I hate the name you have given me as much as I hate you." Those were the last words that William Martin Hohenstein spoke to his father, Henry Hohenstein, a well-known hotel proprietor of Clifton.
      True to his word, the son has taken the steps necessary to end, as far as he is concerned, the name he hates so bitterly forever.  The Supreme Court in Brooklyn has granted to the young man permission to give up the name of Hohenstein after October 22.  When that date has passed Mr. Hohenstein will be known as William H. Martin.  As soon as the change of name goes into effect young Hohenstein, or Martin, as he will then be, will be married.
      His bride-to-be is a well-known young woman of Brooklyn, who fully approves of the steps taken to give her the name of Mrs. Martin, instead of Mrs. Hohenstein.  The couple has been engaged for some months, but the marriage has been postponed until the name of Martin belongs to the young man by right of law.  William Hohenstein is the only son of the hotel proprietor of Clifton. He lived with his mother and father until he was twenty-four years of age, and he was proud of the name his father had given him.  About that time it was discovered that there was trouble and the mother filed a suit for divorce.
      The son was attached to each of his parents and did all in his power to patch the matter up, but without avail.  Then the boy, feeling that his mother needed his help and protection, sided with her, but still felt kindly toward his father.
      The affection for that parent, however, was changed to hate when Henry Hohenstein, in answering the wife's petition for divorce, filed counter charges accusing her of unfaithfulness and crimes that made the boy's blood boil.
It was then that he told his father he would never bear his name again.
The charges against the mother were all proven to be absolutely false, and she was granted a divorce on the grounds upon which she asked for it.
      Last July William Hohenstein, through his attorney, Gratz Nathan, of New York, filed an application before Judge D. Cady Herrcik, of the Supreme Court, for permission to change his name.
      Wednesday the application was granted. Hohenstein is a salesman for the M. Groh's Sons brewery, and lives at No. 478 Jefferson Avenue, Brooklyn.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 

September 15, 1902
Odd State of Affairs in Acquackanonk Township
Many Men Believe the City and County Boards Furnish Them an Easy Way to Get a living - Inspector Asks $110 For Watching a County Job Worth $300 - Trouble Brewing For Some One.
      Some people believe that city and county officers are "easy marks" to aid them in getting a living. This is true especially in Paterson, though there may be a few men in Passaic who try their luck at "hitting," the county funds.
      Last Saturday the finance committee of the board of freeholders learned that a bill had been presented at the last meeting, passed by the board and audited by the committee, for work done on a culvert in Acquackanonk Township which, when investigated, the startling announcement was made that the work had not even been touched. An investigation was begun at which it developed that the contractor had found out that he had not sufficient cash to start the job and thought it better to get the pay and then begin work. There is no doubt that the work would have been completed all right, but as his act was a violation of the law, there may be some trouble in the air for some one.
      In attesting a bill for county work as well as city work, the contractor has to take an oath that the work has been completed or is in such a state to get a payment.
      Another example of the methods used to get money out of the county is shown by the revelations made by the presentation of a bill to the freeholders for "inspecting" the painting work on a bridge over the Passaic river at Lincoln bridge. The total amount of the painter's contract was a little over $300. The amount asked by the "inspector" for watching the painter do his work is $110. The financial committee held up the bill and it may never be paid.
As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 

September 19, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
Theodore N. Price has sold his lots on Arlington Avenue next to Mr. Roth's house, to Daniel De Vries, who intends to build...     

Saturday, September 27
The Woman's Aid society will hold the first of a series of bakeries at Theodore N. Price's store, in Main Avenue. There will be a large assortment of bread, cake and pastry. Any orders left with either Mrs. Bowers or Mrs. Fred W. Pearce will be filled...
      A number of young people met at the home of Miss Jeanette Genthon, in Passaic Avenue, Wednesday evening to organize a social club. The name was not decided on, but the officers were elected as follows: President, Arthur Mullaney; vice-president, Henry Wilkinson; secretary, Miss Jeanette Genthon; treasurer, Irving Echart. Probably we shall hear more later...   
As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 

September 22, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
      Friday evening the Clifton Athletic club will celebrate its first anniversary at the home of the president, William Disbrow, in Arlington Avenue. Many invitations have been issued and the arrangements promise something good. There is an attractive program of music and recitations. Following this, the rest of the evening will be devoted to dancing...
      Tonight the Marble City Quartet will give a concert at the Reformed church. The entertainment is given under the auspices of the Christian endeavor society. The admittance fee is small- adults, 15 cents; and children, 10 cents. The selections, which are varied, are sure to please all and the fine singing is always appreciated. The members of the quartet are either graduates or students of the Knoxville College. Their vacations are spent giving these entertainment(s) in order to build an addition to the Greenville (Tenn.) Industrial and Normal College. The society will sell coffee and cake afterward...     
As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 

September 23, 1902
An Excellent Environment was Provided Last Evening -
The Selections Thoroughly Enjoyed.
      The reputation of the Marble City Quartet was in no way lost by the entertainment rendered last night at the Clifton Reformed church. The attendance was such as to encourage the singers and the music so good that each selection was hearty and unanimous applause.
      The singers, baritone, Mr. Chambers; bass, U. S. Tarter; first tenor, Mr. Johnson, and second tenor, Mr. Elliott, are devoting their vacation time in order that improvements may be made in the Greenville, Tennessee Industrial and Normal College.
      Last year the sum of $7,500 was realized from entertainment(s) and individual contributions. It is the aim of the quartets to make at least $5,000 this summer.
      A delightful program was rendered, the pieces varying so that both old and young were pleased.
      The first selection was an instrumental solo by the able pianist who accompanies the singers in their work. A call for another was responded to. The entire quartette gave "Like as a Father," a sacred selection and very beautiful. The soft cadence and daintiness of the next, "Dream Sweetly Love," was one of the best. The next, a glee, "Daniel" suffered in no wise from the very obvious contrast. Mr. Johnson gave a tenor solo, "Mona." His voice cannot be too highly praised. "In Silent Mead," was the next. "Poor Old Joe" was irresistibly funny, the words being accompanied with appropriate gestures.
      Between the first and second parts of the program Mr. Chambers spoke on the work they were forwarding. He threw a great deal of light on the schools of the south and the ever-growing need of more. It seems that there are many places where a good education is impossibility and where these conditions exist, the ignorance is deplorable. The speaker said that many schools could yet be built without fear of having too many.
      The industrial schools are extremely valuable in different ways. The teaching of the branches enables the students to earn part of their college expenses during the school days and so remain(s) the whole term. Then the vacations are always spent profitably in similar ways. The teaching that work is honorable is not at all a minor advantage. Mr. Chandler is perfectly frank about the failings of the race and states that the abolition of slavery in this country planted in the colored people's minds the idea that life then meant ease. He is a very easy and entertaining speaker and said many things that were new and interesting. An instrumental solo opened the last part of the evening's program. Then a duet "David and Jonathan" by Mr. Chandler and Mr. Johnson. A comic selection, particularly pleasing to the children was "There Was an Old Woman," and another "Old Grimes," "The Pie Song," and then crow song of "Good Night," completed the list.
      The president of the society, Harry R. Aspell, rose and in the name of the society thanked the gentlemen for the very pleasant evening they have given them. It was found that $18.00 was the sum realized.  
As reported in the Passaic Daily News. 

September 27, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
      The Hercules Athletic club added three new members to its list at the last meeting. The club intends to hold a euchre at the Clifton hall the first week in October....
      The basket and duck party held at Mrs. Wilkinson's home Thursday evening was thoroughly enjoyed. A large number of people were present in spite of the rain. Some came from out of town. One of the guests rendered a bass solo entitled "The Holy Friar." Then came the surprise of the evening. The drawing of a duck was placed in full view, every one wondering what was coming next.
      The one cutting the best duck in five minutes was to receive a prize. Much amusement was afforded by the awkward attempts of each one to cut a good duck while blindfolded. When each one had his turn the prizes were awarded. Ladies' first, Miss Moore, one-half dozen plates; the consolation prize was given to Mrs. Balsey, a china duck. Among the men Mr. Demarest won first honors and received a picture frame, for consolation prize, Mr. Charles Williamson, a pretty china pipe. The little folks entered the contest, the prize being a small, china duck. Miss Gertrude Mullaney entertained the guests with a recitation entitled "The Victim," by Tennyson.
      After this came the auctioning of the pretty lunch baskets brought by the ladies, the gentlemen bidding for the baskets and taking lunch with the lady whose name was on the basket. A nice little sum was realized from the sale of the baskets.   
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.                             

September 29, 1902
Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered for the News.
   The Reformed church of Athenia will celebrate the twentieth anniversary next Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Van Arsdale will conduct the morning service and Dr. De Bois, the former pastor of the church will officiate in the evening. The Clifton Reformed church has been invited to attend.
      In spite of the rain the Clifton Athletic club entertained a number of friends in honor of its first anniversary. A large program had been prepared but the storm kept some at home. Eugene Genthon opened the program with an instrumental selection, after which the Misses Edna and Lettie Disbrow played a duet entitled "Warblings of the Forrest," which was thoroughly enjoyed. "The Holy City" was well sung by Miss R. Valleau of Bayonne. Her encores were fully appreciated. Miss Anna Louise Clarkson rendered an instrumental solo, "Der Hochlanderin," which all liked. Following this Miss Gertrude Mullaney recited "The Victim," by Tennyson, very effectively. After the program Mr. Ker addressed the members of the athletic club. He spoke of the possible growth of the club and the means by which it could be attained. Mr. Ker, always an interesting speaker, found ready and appreciative listeners in the young men. When he had finished his address he presented to the club, in the name of several Clifton women, a very handsome American flag. All present united in singing heartily "The Star Spangled Banner," with E. Genthon at the piano. After the refreshments had been served the remainder of the evening was spent socially in dancing and singing....
As reported in the Passaic Daily News.     

As gathered by Donald C. Lotz 9/3/2002.



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