January 1902
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Clifton (Acquackanonk) January 100 Years Ago

Jan. 2, 1902
Interesting Items Gathered There by a News Correspondent.

Clifton Fire Company No. 1 had a jolly time Tuesday night, watching the New Year in. The fun was kept up till the early hours of the morning.

Tuesday evening, the members of the Reformed church spent an enjoyable evening at the "watch night" services. From 9 till 10:30 was enjoyed socially. The program was as follows: Hyinn, "How Firm a Foundation," by the congregation; a solo by Miss Hester Nathan and reading of Scriptures. James Maybury made an address. A solo was given by Miss Emma Hascy. J. McCall and G. Thorburn offered prayer. The double male quartet sang after which there was a talk on education by A. Nathan and Rev. J. S. Ellsworth. Prayer for the closing year and a hymn sung by the congregation, "Blest be the Tide that Binds," followed, and when the school bell was rung a "Happy New Year" was heartily wished, one to another. The Aid society passed around sandwiches and coffee, and another social hour was spent.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

Jan. 4, 1902
Sidney Bean, Aged Four, Fell Through Thin Ice

All efforts to Save the Little Fellow Were of no Avail and He Sank in Icy Waters Body Recovered by Mill Hands - His Parents, Who Live in Delawanna, Nearly Heartbroken.

Sidney Bean, aged four years, a son of a New York business man residing in Delawanna, was drowned yesterday noon at the Yanticaw mill pond in that place.

The little fellow, in company with his sisters and brothers, had been playing near the pond all morning. The ice was very thin and not sufficiently strong to bear the weight of the youngsters. The older children saw the danger, and after making a few attempts to slide on the ice left the pond and went home. This was just at noon. Little Sidney remained near the pond.

A few minutes afterward the brothers and sisters noticed that Sidney was missing. They started back to find him. As they reached the pond they heard cries for help.

Hastening to the pond they were horrified to find the little fellow struggling feebly in the icy water. The ice had given way and thrown him into the pond.

One of the Bean boys crawled out on the ice and attempted to rescue the little fellow, while the girls cried for help. Men employed at the Worthen & Aldrich bleachery nearby, rushed out and endeavored to assist the older boy in saving his brother, but without avail. After the first plunge the little boy could not bear up, and sank in the icy water. He was drowned within a few minutes after falling into the water.

The older boy narrowly escaped being drowned, as the ice gave way with him, but he managed to get out safely.

The little boy's body was found about 1 o'clock and taken to the home of his parents who arenearly heart-broken over his death. As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

Jan. 9, 1902
Acquackanonk's Veteran Milkman Buried Today

John Broderick, the veteran milkman of Clifton, who died at his home early on Thursday, was buried this morning.

Mr. Broderick was one of the best known men in Acquackanonk Township, in which place he settled early in the sixties, working as a gardener for Charles Spencer and other well-known residents of the township. He built up an extensive milk business which he conducted until his death. He leaves a wife and three grown children. As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

Jan. 7, 1902
Escort Dashed Into Icy Water at Delawanna.

It Took Three Hours to Revive the New York Young Woman, But a Drink of Brandy Fixed the Brave Rescuer.

Miss Florence Cole, of No. 270 West One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, Manhattan, and James A. Halpin, of No. 132 St. Felix street, Brooklyn, both telegraph operators, went to Delawanna yesterday with several others for a day's skating. They had been on the ice for about an hour, when a game of tag was proposed.

Halpin was chasing Miss Cole in the wake of the players, when on a portion of the ice, under which is many feet of water, which hockey players had just skated over, there was a loud, cracking noise. At the same time Miss Cole gave a scream and broke through, clutching at the edge of the ice.

Halpin was far enough behind to check himself and skate out of danger, but dashed into the break and grabbed Miss Cole who had fainted.

He managed to keep the unconscious girl's head above water until a board and a rope had been obtained from a nearby ice-house, and the two were fished out, Miss Cole limp and apparently lifeless, and Halpin benumbed and almost exhausted;

After attempts to revive Miss Cole failed, a physician was summoned, and she and Halpin were placed in a buggy that had brought skaters to the pond, and driven to the residence of J. H. Burggraf, in Lyndhurst, a mile distant. Brandy and dry clothing fixed Halpin up all right, but it took three hours to revive Miss Cole, who will have to keep to her bed for a day or so. As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

Jan. 8,1902
Ordinance to Prevent Wholesale Opening of the Streets

Chairman Thorburn Wants a Five Cent Trolley Fare From the "Big Tree" to Clifton -Property Tangles Straightened Out.

An ordinance compelling persons to secure permits before opening roads in Acquackanonk Township, and providing a fine of $ 100, was adopted by the township committee last night at the January meeting; which was held at the Clifton Postoffice. Heretofore this was not necessary, and the consequence was that a great many roads were left in bad shape after opened to lay water of gas pipes. The ordinance passed its final reading.

Chairman Thorburn. brought a matter to the attention of the committee for which he will receive the hearty thanks of the community. He would like the North Jersey Traction Company to charge but one fare from the "Big Tree" to the Lakeview end of the township.

At present passengers can only ride as far as Harrison Street in Passaic, when another fare is collected. The clerk is to communicate with the traction people, and, it is hoped, with good results.

W. J. Fredericks, of Delawanna, sent in his resignation as a special officer, which was accepted.

A bill from ex-Collector Lawson for $15 for services was returned, as the committee had not authorized it.

Miss Edna Hardifer, of Paterson, wants to reclaim a piece of property which was bought in by the township a number of years ago, and on which there would be due for taxes $378.95. It seems that no records have been filed and that it had been untaxed for a number of years. The question arises, can the committee claim that amount? Mrs. Hardifer is willing to pay $200 to clear up the matter, Mr. Thorburn, however, while satisfied that the amount might be just, does not wish to establish a precedent, and justly claims that others could do the same thing by leaving their taxes unpaid for a number of years and then offer about half of what is really due. The property in question, it is claimed, is not worth more than $200, as it consists of nothing but swampland in Lakeview.

Clerk Van Brunt, who war, to ascertain the amount of property bought in from time to time by the township, claimed that no records had been kept and that it would be necessary to have the records in the county clerk's office searched, which the counsel was instructed to do.

Treasurer H. D. Simmons reported that he had a balance of $2,090.80 on hand.

Assessor Berry receives for his services as assessor, attending meetings of the board of appeals, the sum of $440.40.

W. F. Leiding, of Delawanna, redeemed property sold at the recent tax sale. Freeholder Thomas recently bought in a parcel of land and finds that it had been sold to the township for taxes. He will secure a quit claims deed upon paying the back taxes due.

Mr. Brooks, of Montclair, wanted the committee to reduce his taxes, claiming that he had been assessed too high. The request was refused.

Hereafter the chairman and clerk may give quit claim deeds to property holders who, upon showing a receipted bill from the collector that the taxes have been paid, without bringing the matter before the committee. This is done in order that persons might not be compelled to wait sometimes a month before they come into possession of the property.

Henry Gravatt had a $400 assessment reduced on his property in Lakeview, the assessor clai i g an error.

Luke Vandemuller wanted the committee to straighten out a piece of property on Lake Avenue, which he had bought from a Mr. Hutton, who had purchased it from the township at a tax sale a number of years ago. Mr. Vandemuller showed a deed, which described the property owned by Robert Watson. The committee could not do anything in the matter until he secures the original deed given by the township and was promised if that was wrong, the matter would be straightened out for him.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

It Will Tap Main Street Route at Clifton
Surveyors Reported to Be in the Employ of North Jersey Co. Now Mapping Route Near Brookdale, Bloomfield and Clifton.

Evidence that the North Jersey Street Railway company is contemplating the extension of its trolley system is contained in the fact that surveyors, said to be identified with the company, have been at work on a proposed route through Brookdale, connecting Bloomfield and Clifton by railroad.

The survey is being made from the terminus of the present line of the Passaic and Orange Valley Railway company, which is practically a part of the North Jersey system, on Bay Avenue Newark, extending through Brookdale for a distance of a mile and a half, reaching across a wide tract of marsh known as Hyde swamp, and thence across a stretch of private property to the present tracks of the Main Avenue trolley line at Clifton.

In connection with the making of the survey, significance is given the project by the fact that residents and property owners along the line of the survey have recently been sounded by men believed to be identified with the 'rights of way" department of the North Jersey Street Railway Company as to whether or not they would favor the building and operation of a trolley line through their locality.

Thus far the efforts of the supposed railroad men have been confined to ascertaining opinions. Nobody has as yet been asked to give consent or yield a right of way over his property.

The advantage to the railway company of the establishment of a trolley line over the route indicated by the work of the surveyors, when it is known that by running cars from Newark over the Bloomfield line, connecting with the projected line through Brookdale and Hyde swamp, and joining the present line at Clifton, the distance between Newark and Paterson would be shortened fully three and onehalf miles and about twenty minutes time would be saved each way.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

Daily Budget of Village Happenings Gathered For The News

There is good skating at the Clifton Race Track rink.
There will be a meeting of the board of education this evening.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

"Quack" Township AFFAIRS
Meeting of the School Board This Evening

Matter May Be Presented to the Voters at the Spring Election
Resignation of Miss Northrup Accepted- Other Notes of Interest

The Acquackanonk board. of education held a regular meeting last night at Clifton. Judge Baker, as special committee on the Botany school, reported that the committee had used $969.52 out of $ 1,000 appropriation. Another committee reported in reference to the case of Miss Bartel, a former teacher, that the matter was referred to Counsel Gourley.

At the Richfield school some of the plaster has fallen, and the contractor will receive notice to repair it. At Clifton school a request has been made for more seats. At Lakeview the old trouble of heating the old part of the school was discussed, and the local committee was ordered to cover the ceiling with asbestos paper. The Albion Place school is crowded, This matter may be brought up at the spring election. At the Botany school there seems to be considerable trouble about securing teachers. At the last entertainment $28 was received, and a piano was bought which cost $30. Miss Northrup, who was on leave of absence on account of sickness, sent in her resignation, which was accepted.

At the Delawanna school the lower grade is very much overcrowded.

Twenty-eight bills, amounting to $767.22 were ordered paid. Another teacher will be secured about February 1, to fill the vacancy caused by Miss Northrup's resignation. The clerk was ordered to make a contract with Miss Helen Bowns, a kindergartner.

A letter from the Alumni association of Acquackanonk Township, requesting the use of Clifton school for the annual business meeting, was referred to the local committeeman.

On February 12 the board will hold a private meeting to arrange the report for the school year. The terms of Messrs. Barrett, Stagg and Kenter as members of the board run out this spring.

As reported in the Passaic Daily News.

As gathered by Donald C. Lotz


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