Clifton (Acquackanonk) February 100 Years Ago Feb. 4. 1902 William Hughes and family, of Madison Avenue near Main Avenue moved from Clifton to Passaic today. A black horse was found walking up Clifton Avenue, last evening by Ray and Russel Cooper. The horse and carriage belonged to a tea and coffee merchant of Passaic. While he was attending to business, the horse walked up Lexington Avenue and turned up Clifton avenue. It was taken to the Clifton hotel and Alex. McCloud telephoned to the police in Passaic. The owner was there reporting the loss of the animal. He took the next car to Clifton and claimed the horse. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. Feb.5,1902 It Was Discussed Informally Last Night - Postmaster Mahony Is Interested Free delivery for Acquackanonk Township is being urged. This matter was discussed informally at the meeting of the Acquackanonk Township committee last night at Clifton, though no action was taken. It is probable that it will form one of the questions to be settled at the spring elections. Postmaster Mahony is interested in the move to extend the free delivery service to Clifton and other places in the township. Many of the citizens have assured him of their support in this respect. As reported in the Passaic Daffy News. Feb. 5, 1902 Acquackanonk Committee Wound Up Its Affairs NO FIVE CENT TROLLEY FARES Company Sent Curt Note to the Committee Denying the Request Flagman Wanted at Crooks Crossing - Other Matters. The February meeting of the Acquackanonk Township meeting which was held last night at the Clifton post office, was the shortest on record. Promptly at 8 o'clock Clerk Van Brunt called the roll. All the members were present. , The road ordinance passed second and third readings and is now a law. Hereafter it will be a misdemeanor to open any road without fist securing a pen-nit from the committee, which will only be granted to persons who promise to put the street in its same condition. A heavy fine will be imposed upon offenders. Committeeman Thorburn's request to the traction company for five-cent fares from the Big Tree through the township was denied by that company in a short letter, which read: "Your request is refused." Mr. Gravatt, of Lakeview, wanted the township committee to communicate with the Erie officials and ask for a flagman at the Crooks avenue crossing, claiming that a number of narrow escapes of pedestrians and drivers of vehicles have lately taken place. Chairman Thorburn will confer with the freeholders about the matter, as that avenue belongs to the county. John Blum, of Delawanna, will be the guardian of the peace at that place hereafter. He was appointed a special officer. This practically rounds up the business of the present committee, as the election will be held in March. The committee will meet this evening to audit the books of the various officials and will continue until the work is done. Ex-Collector Lawson will be asked to come before it and give his final accounts. Committeeman Prentiss, of Albion Place, is the retiring member, and will undoubtedly seek reelection. As he has been a model official the township will probably support him and continue him in office. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. Feb. 7. 1902 There will be a chicken pie supper in the Reformed church tonight. It is given by the aid society. Tickets ten cents; supper extra. A party of young folks met on Westervelt's millpond the other evening and enjoyed the skating. Later they went to the home of Miss F. Kerr in Union Avenue and enjoyed refreshments and a social time. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. Feb.13,1902 Term of Assessor Richard Berry Expires - He Will Be Opposed By Joseph J. Rooney - On Tuesday, March 11, Acquackanonk Township will hold its annual election. The term of Assessor Richard Berry expires, which is of the most important office of the lot to be filled. Mr. Berry is out for re-election, and there seems but little doubt that he will secure the office. Mr. Berry will be opposed by Joseph J. Rooney; the Lakeview builder, who will be the Democratic nominee. John Prentiss, of Albion Place, will seek re-election to the township committee. As he does not seem to have any opponent in the Republican ranks for the position, his chances for securing the nomination are bright. The Democrats have not as yet heard of any one who wants the place. Two commissioners of appeals and two constables are also to be elected. Unlike former years, the election in the township this spring will be unusually friendly. The Republicans are on good terms with one another, there being no opposing factions. The Democrats will not have any unfriendly feeling in their ranks, which makes it seem that the election will be a regular love feast. The Citizens' party of the township has gone out of existence, thus leaving the two parties to fight their battles without any interference. Feb.15,1902 The following communication from Chief Stagg of the Paterson fire Department, was received by the Clifton Fire Department: Chief Fire Dept., Clifton. Dear Chief:- Allow me on behalf of the Paterson Fire Department and the citizens of this city, to thank you all for assistance given us on Sunday last and for the offer to come. Would have called earlier in night but did not know whom to telephone to. If your men left anything here, on return, please send list so that they may be looked up. Yours truly, John Stagg, Chief. The sentiments embodied in the above kind letter and the appreciation shown for the effort made by the men of the Clifton company, more than repay for the willingness on their part to lend a helping hand. This company is a private organization and deserves credit for the able manner in which its equipment is gradually becoming perfected. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. The above letter is in response to the assistance the Clifton Fire Department provided infighting the Great Paterson Fire of February 9, 1902. The fire began around midnight when an overheated stove caught fire in the trolley barn of the Paterson and Hoboken Street Railway between Broadway and Van Houten Streets near Main. The flames and embers were spread by gale force winds to the center of Paterson's business district and Sandy Hill residential area. Fire companies from surrounding communities, as Clifton above, assisted the Paterson Fire department in combating the flames. Damage was eventually estimated at $10, 000, 000. Included in the 459 buildings destroyed were Paterson's city hall, police headquarters, high school, and library; churches, banks, elementary schools, clubs, and a movie theater. Amazingly, only two deaths were attributed to the fire The above information is from The New York Times Sunday February 3, 2002 and the book "A Century of Progress" The story of the First National Bank of Passaic County through its flrst one hundred years, and a brief history of Passaic County, its people, and its growth; Published by the First National Bank of Passaic County with the collaboration of John T. Cunningham, Clinton B. Axford, and Frank Lauren Smith. 1965. Feb.26,1902 Republicans Will Hold Forth at Clifton and Democrats at Richfield -Richard Berry Likely Candidate For Assessor - Other Gossip. Two preliminaries will be held in Acquackanonk Township tomorrow evening for the purpose of nominating candidates for the spring election, which will take place on March 11. The Republicans will hold forth at their headquarters in Clifton, while the democrats will go to Richfield. Richard Berry seems to be the most likely candidate for assessor. His opponent for the Republican nomination is John Stagg, of Lakeview, who at one time was the Democratic candidate for assessor in Paterson. John Prentiss, of Albion Place, will have as his opponent for committeeman in the primary Dayton Weaver, of Richfield, who a few years ago wanted to be assessor on the Citizen's ticket, but who was beaten so badly at the time by Mr. Berry that he has not been heard from since until the present time. It is doubtful if he and Mr. Stagg, who are in a combination will get enough votes to make them winners. The Democrats have set their eyes on Joseph J. Rooney, of Lakeview, and as there is no other candidate he will win out easily for the assessorship. For committeeman, William Barrett, of Albion Place, is talked about, as is D. Henniger, of Richfield, but as neither of these has signified his willingness to run, the Democrats may induce Joseph Hamil or Peter N. Ruffing to become their candidate. The other offices to be filled are of minor importance, and no fight is being made over them. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. Feb.27,1902 Clifton Avenue was flooded yesterday far worse than ever known. The water was from two to three feet deep. Third Street, from Passaic Avenue to Clifton Avenue, was also badly flooded. Miss Jessie Willard has returned from a few weeks visit to Pennsylvania. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. Feb.28,1902 Republicans of Clifton Unanimously Endorse Richard Berry For Assessor, While Democrats, in a Harmonious Gathering at Richfield, Put up Joseph J. Rooney as His Opponent. "Let there be peace" is the motto of the good Republicans of Acquackanonk Township, as was shown at the primary which was held at their headquarters in Clifton last night. The following ticket was selected without any opposition: For Assessor - Richard Berry. The total number of votes cast was 160 and of these only one had a scratch on it, which was in reference to the appropriations. The ticket selected is a good one and there is hardly any doubt but that it will win out on election day. Richard Berry, the candidate for assessor, is known to have done the township more good in keeping the assessments down to a reasonable rate than any one else. He fought the men in the courts who went before the state board of taxation, claiming that their assessments were too low, which surprised that body, as it had never heard of any one making such claims before. The board investigated the matter and found that these certain individuals were in error. These same parties later went before the commissioners of appeals and asked to have their taxes reduced, claiming that they were too high, thus showing the inconsistency of their arguments. This incident will win many votes for Mr. Berry. A sort of surprise was the presence of John H. Adamson, who, it was thought, was a staunch Democrat. Mr. Adamson, however, did not vote, and the Democrats will have hopes of reclaiming him to their ranks. There is likely to be a little unpleasantness for the candidates, as it proposed by a few "Republicans" to select an "Independenf' ticket at the old Citizen's headquarters, in Richfield, next Tuesday night. But as both the representative bodies have made their selections in good faith, it is hardly likely that any harm will be done. At the "independent"primary it is proposed to run Daniel Stagg for assessor, who claims to be the best Republican in the township, although he was the Democratic nominee for assessor in Paterson a number of years ago, but was defeated. Dayton Weaver will be the nominee for township committeeman. Mr. Weaver has been a candidate before, but showed his qualifications by being beaten so badly that he has not shown himself since. The other candidates to be selected will be made up of "Republicans" and "Democrats" who do not like the running of things in either party. "Oh so easy," was the popular song among the Democrats of Acquackanonk Township at the primary last night at Richfield. There was no opposition whatever against the slate, which is composed of the best Democratic material in the township. Despite the bad weather, there was a fair attendance. John De Mott, the lean giant of the Democrats, and "Father" Dowling, the "Hercules," both of Clifton, braved the bad roads to help their party. Mr. Dowling came for a special purpose of nominating the chairman of the primary, but, unfortunately, was too late, the selection having been made in the person of Lawyer McDermott, of Lakeview. C. H. Weller was selected as secretary, or, rather he selected himself, as nobody seemed to want the "responsible" positions, as fully a dozen men were nominated for the office, including himself, but all declined the honor. John Van Winkle acted as judge and Messrs. Mueller and Hoffman as tellers. The chairman appointed as the committee on vacancies Freeholder Thomas, John Weller and Joseph Mueller. The committee on printing is composed of 0. H. Weller and Joseph Rooney. The following is the ticket selected, which was made unanimous, there being no opposition: For Assessor - Joseph J. Rooney. For Township Committeeman Joseph Mooney. For Poormaster - John Weller. For Commissioner of Appeal in Case of Taxation - Henry Klucken. For Constables - John F. Kearney and Henry W. Frede. . For Surveyors of Highways - Joseph Ruffing and George Max. For Poundmasters - Daniel Lawler, Albert Buenzli and Henry Kahman. The appropriations were $5,000 for macadarnizing roads, $ 1,000 for repairing roads and $ 1,000 for support of the poor. After the primary there was a rumor that some of the candidates were merely put up as "dummies," the idea being to endorse some of the candidates of a ticket which is to be made up of a mixture of Mugwumps, but there is hardly any truth in it, as the candidates nominated promised that they would not withdraw in favor of any one, as it would hardly be fair after the selection had been made by the Democratic representatives. A prominent Democrat said last night to a News reporter that if the Democrats endorsed Dayton Weaver, who will be the candidate on the "Kicker" ticket, he would for one vote the straight Republican ticket. He also said that he was not alone, as there were scores of others who would do the same. As reported in the Passaic Daily News. As gathered by Donald C. Lotz