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As Usual, a Crowd of Fakirs Made Money From Unsuspecting Dupes. Forpaugh & Bell Brother's big circus is at Clifton racetrack today and two shows will be given, one this afternoon and one this evening. It is expected that about twenty thousand people will attend. Special trolley cars are being run today to accommodate the throng. The show arrived at the track yesterday on four special trains on the Erie. Thousands of people visited the tents yesterday and made a tour of investigation. As usual, a big crowd of fakirs and shell game workers came along with the show and many Passaic and Paterson people learned to their sorrow that it does not pay to pick out the "little pea" from under a shell or to stack against the three card monte. The fakirs coined about five hundred dollars yesterday from unsuspecting people. When all the money in sight was secured they packed up and quit and just in time, because some of the dupes were "getting wise" and started to make trouble. As reported in the Passaic Daily News.
June 1, 1902 Yet another athletic club has been organized. This one is known by the name of the Columbian Athletic club. About a dozen of the junior boys comprise this and from the number the following officers were chosen: President, Clifton Quinn; vice-president, Louis Hird; treasurer, Ernest Mercelus; secretary, floyd Clarkson. The colors are blue and white and the clubhouse is in Mr. Mercelus' barn in Madison Avenue.
June 3, 1902 Hundreds of Passaic People Compelled to Walk to and from the Grounds - Show Curtailed in Afternoon, Owing to the Crowd. Yesterday was circus day at Clifton racetrack. It was a record breaker so far as crowds were concerned. Probably thirty-two thousand people sought the track during the day. All did not attend the show, as many merely wanted to see the tents and to look at the animals and life at a big circus. In the afternoon the big five pole tent under which Forepaugh and Bells Brother's performance is given was packed to overflowing. There were nearly fifteen thousand people jammed into the seats and in the rings and the place roped off for the chariot races. It was a jam in more ways than one. It was a jam to get in and a bigger jam to get out. Half the show had to be curtailed owing to the people, who crowded the open spaces. Thousands of people walked to the track, as the trolley company could not keep up with the rush. The trolley company used all the care it has to meet the demands thrust upon it, but had there been double the number more would have been needed. The circus enthusiasts hung on to every available foothold, and platforms, buffers, and railings were eagerly seized by those who wanted to get to Clifton and later on were equally anxious to get home. Superintendent McAndrews personally supervised the trolleys at Clifton and it is largely due to his efforts that the crowd was as well taken care of as it was. Nearly every mill in Paterson closed down for the day. It was circus day and the average Patersonian wanted to see the parade in the morning and go to the show in the afternoon, so that work suffered in consequence. Last night the crowd was not so large. There was lots of delay when the crowd started for home. Passaic people had to walk or wait half an hour for a car. Probably two thousand Passaic people were present last night. The fakirs did a big business yesterday and got away with a big amount of money. Pickpockets and thieves were also present. Several people made known their losses at the grounds yesterday afternoon, among them being one of the Berry Brothers, butchers, at 331 Fifteenth Avenue, Paterson. Mr. Berry had $180 on his person when he went down to Clifton, the money being divided up in two pockets. The thief was a slick one for he got into both of Mr. Berry's pockets at about the same time and sneaked away in the big crowd before an outcry could be made. According to one of the deputy constables sworn in by the sheriff yesterday three Paterson officers went to Clifton yesterday and arrested a man who ran a "swet board." They were taking him away when the officer interfered and made them release the fakir. The Paterson men had no jurisdiction in Clifton. The Acquackanonk man claims that the Paterson officers were looking for "stuff" and arrested the man as a blind.
June 4 1902 "Dick" Berry Branches Out as a Road Contractor - After the Paterson Police. There was plenty doing at the June meeting of the Acquackanonk Township committee, which was held at Clifton last night. The most important was the awarding of contracts for the repaving of the various roads, which were damaged by the late heavy rains. Auctioneers and peddlers should not make an attempt to do business in the township without first having secured the necessary license, as the committee will most vigorously prosecute all offenders, as it believes in protecting those who have secured a license. Clerk Van Brunt reported that he had imposed a fine of $50 against an auctioneer, who did business without first having secured his license. The license fee is $10. The clerk also imposed a fine of $25 against a junk dealer and in default of payment he is at present in the county jail. The junk license is only $5. The township is not satisfied in the way the Paterson detectives treated their deputies at the circus on Monday last and the clerk will communicate with the Paterson chief with a view of ascertaining what authority his men had at Clifton on that day. The answer will be read at the next meeting and action taken. The official minutes follow: Clifton, N. J., June 3, 1902 The regular monthly meeting of the township committee was held in Main Avenue hall on the above date, all the members being present. The minutes of the meeting held May 20 were read and approved. Bids for the repair of roads in the township were opened and read. It was found that Richard Berry was the lowest bidder on the labor necessary to top dress with shale the roads that had been designated to be top dressed, his bid being sixty-four and one-half cents per ton, laid in place ready for travel and that Francis J. Marley was the lowest bidder for the macadamizing of Almond Road, his bid being for macadam, twenty cents per square yard, for earth excavation, twenty-two cents per cubic yard, and for pipe, $1.00 per lineal foot, and for rock excavation, seventy-five cents per lineal foot. On motion the bids were awarded to the lowest bidders and the counsel directed to prepare the necessary contracts. The treasurer reported a cash balance of $525.91, which report was, on motion, filed. The chairman, as a special committee on the crossing at Crooks Avenue and the Erie railroad tracks, reported that he had employed a man to keep count of the actual number of persons using the crossing with the following results: On the first day there had crossed, adults, 183; children 109; vehicles, 126; and on the second day, adults, 303; children, 163, vehicles, 123. On motion the committee was continued in power with power to insist on gates being placed at the crossing by the Erie Railroad Company. The following bills were presented and on motion, ordered paid: Cornelius Laffler, $4.00; L.W. Smith, $5.00; George A. Hoffman, $4.00; John E. Blum, $4.00; John S. Berry, $23.00; Wise & Watson, $50.00; S. G. Thorburn, $35.00; W.L. Whitmore, $24.00; Herbert R. Sipp, $50.00 and $38.00; News Publishing company, $32.50; Cyril R. Forbes, $7.68. Richard Berry presented a bill for $15 for services for making transfers in books. On motion the bill was referred to the counsel for advice as to its legality. The collector reported that the township had bought at tax sale the property of the West Jersey Water Company for unpaid taxes, which now amounted to about $350. On motion the matter was referred to the counsel with instructions to proceed to collect the amount due the township from the property. The collector also reported that the East Jersey Water Company yet owed the township a bill for taxes of year 1901. On motion this matter was referred to the collector and assessor for action. On motion, because of double assessments, the following tax bills were remitted: Nos. 567, 486, 661, 671, 936 and 1,884, all for the year 1900; and because of an error in valuation, on motion, $150 was remitted from tax bill No. 750 for year 1900. On motion the chairman and clerk were ordered to execute a quit claim deed for lot 9, block 18, Moore & Morrel map, which property was bought by the township for unpaid taxes of 1899, on August 20, 1901. Special Officer George Hoffman complained that several of the police detectives of the city of Paterson while in the township on June 2 interfered with him and with the other officers of the township while they were in the performance of their duties and when he remonstrated with them, he was abused and threatened with assault. He gave the names of the offending Paterson officers as William Lord, John Taylor and Thomas McEnerney. On motion the clerk was instructed to communicate with the chief of the Paterson city police on the subject. On motion Cornelius Laffler was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the failure of Constable Joseph Haines to qualify according to law by filing his bond. The clerk reported the receipt of a bond in the sum of two thousand dollars from William Stormes. The bond was read, and on motion accepted and ordered filed. On motion Committeeman Thorburn and Piaget and the clerk were appointed a committee to purchase a table and chairs for the use of the committee. The clerk reported having notified John G. Stead, of Paterson city, that he must pay a fine of $50 incurred by him for violation of the township ordinance, in selling goods in the township by auction without having been granted a license as auctioneer and of having received from Stead a promise to pay the fine without litigation and an application for an auctioneer's license. On motion the clerk was authorized to issue a license as auctioneer to Stead after he had paid the fine, the fees and filed a proper bond and on motion the clerk was authorized to act for the township committee when it was not in session, on applications for auctioneer's licenses. On motion the committee then went into executive session, after which it adjourned. Allison J. Van Brunt
June 6, 1902 Miss Eleanor Young returned Wednesday evening from Cuba. Miss Young has filled the position as head of a kindergarten. It is not yet decided whether she will return in the fall, since the government is in other hands. She has many interesting experiences to tell of and having traveled considerably has much to relate about the country. Miss Young has gathered many pictures and souvenirs. On the evening of her return a number of friends placed a floral arch, from which was suspended in large letters the word "Welcome," across Clifton Avenue and gathered to meet her. All were delighted to welcome her home... The Hercules Athletic club is contemplating holding a lawn party.
June 7, 1902 At the reorganization of the consistory of the Reformed Church the following officers were chosen: Secretary, M.J. McCall; church treasurer, Grant Thorburn; Auditing committee, George Bailey, Sr. and M.J. McCall; trasurer of church building fund, M.J. McCall; auditing committee, Mr. Maharg and Grant Thorburn. Clifton strawberries are in the market. The date of the reception of the Alumni Association of the Clifton Grammar school, to be tendered to the graduates of 1902, has been changed to June 24 instead of June 31.
Saturday morning the rival athletic clubs, the Hercules and Columbian, played an exciting game of ball. The latter was defeated by a score of 13 to 4... Tomorrow evening, the Alumni Association will meet to practice the song for commencement. All should attend, as there is very little time before the exercises. The meeting place is at the residence of Mrs. Joseph P. S. Alyea, in Clifton Avenue... Many are the preparations for the commencement exercises of the Grammar School. This year there are twelve graduates- a larger number than in preceding years. Some are from our own town, others from Athenia and Delawanna. The exercises will be held Monday evening, June 23, at 8 o'clock at the Reformed church. The following evening at the hall, the reception to the graduates will be tendered by the Alumni. No one will be admitted unless he presents his invitation at the door.
June 18, 1902 Discussions Over the Salaries to be Paid - Commencement Exercises Arranged in the Township Schools - Other Minor Matters. It was 11:15 o'clock last night before the Acquackanonk school board adjourned the June meeting. The long session was necessary in order to fix the salaries and the engagements of the teachers for the coming school year. Following are the teachers engaged and salaries for the year: No. 1, Delawanna - Mary D. Irwin, $450. No. 2, Richfield - Sarah Deeths, $500; Edna P. Robinson, $500. No. 3, Clifton - I. H. Ware, $900; Miss Moore, $450; Hannah Neale, $600; Maud M. Warner, $600; Josephine M. Hoch, $450; Annie S. Sutton, $550. No. 4, Lakeview - E. W. Garrison, $800; Mary Bailey, $600; Esther A. Walsh, $500. No. 5, Albion Place - S. E. Barnes, $800; Jennie T. Cunningham, $500; Kate R. O'Donnell, $450. No. 6, Athenia - Bertha M. Wintermuth, $650; Agnes Cunningham, $450. No. 7, Botany - Catherine Berkan, $700; Lulu k. Garribrant, $500; Catherine Bartlett, $450; Mabel Clark, $450. No. 8, Delawanna - Gertrude D. Smasher, $450; Mr. Kelly, $600. Considerable discussion was gone into over the paying of salaries to the teachers. Mr. Hepburn thought that they were being paid enough without an increase, claiming that it was higher than any township in the county of Passaic. Mr. Nathan, however, was the champion for the teachers and was well prepared with facts and figures and showed Mr. Hepburn that Passaic city pays its teachers more than Acquackanonk. Mr. Nathan says that he was satisfied that the citizens of the township wanted the best teachers obtainable and that they could not be secured for a paltry few dollars. The salaries paid by the teachers committee was finally passed. The principals of each school will take an inventory of all the books, furniture, fixtures, etc., of their respective schools and file it with the clerk of the board. Bonds to the amount of $2,500 will be sold at 4 1/2 per cent, the first one of $500 denomination, becoming due in 1907 and one every year thereafter. Mr. Nathan extended an invitation to the board to be present at a baccalaureate sermon to be delivered by Rev. J. S. Ellsworth at the Clifton Reformed Church on Sunday evening. The invitation was accepted. On Monday evening the Clifton school will have closing exercises for which an elaborate program has been arranged. On Tuesday evening the Alumni and the graduates have arranged for a reception to their friends which will be held at Eckhart's hall. The board will attend the exercises and reception. On Friday evening an exhibit of the work done at the Clifton school will be displayed to which all parents and friends of the school are invited. President Barrett, of Albion Place, has arranged for prominent speakers, among them being William B. Gourley, for the closing exercises of the school at that place on Wednesday evening. The Delawanna School will hold their exercises on Friday night. Richfield school on Tuesday afternoon. The principals of each school are to submit an estimate for amount of support needed for their schools. The amounts will be advertised in The News and Paterson Call. Clerk Smith was unable to be present owing to an attack of intermittent fever. Mr. Scheffel, of Delawanna, acted in his place.
June 19, 1902 Sunday Evening the Graduates, Alumni, Teachers and School Board Will Attend the Reformed Church Services. The Clifton Public School is closing a very prosperous year with a series of enjoyable and profitable functions introduced by an exhibit of class work for all departments. To this the public is especially invited tomorrow evening between the hours of seven and nine o'clock. The main exhibition will be held in the kindergarten room, which has been tastefully decorated by Mrs. Mae James, the teacher, with various articles made by the little ones. A sight of this work alone will fully repay anyone for the trouble taken in its examination. In orderly array will be found samples of papers executed by pupils of all grades from first year to ninth year work. These papers are not as is usually the case written, corrected and rewritten, but as they came first hand from the student and show faithfully the character of real class room practice. The mathematical and artistic arrangement in many cases is the invention of the student himself. All drawings, shadings, water-colorings or oil paintings, were made and executed without stencil or other artificial aid, by the persons whose names they bear - no instruction being had other than that of the regular department teacher. It is intended to have the building lighted throughout, so that visitors may pass from room to room and see the blackboard work which it is thought will be a pleasing feature of the evening... Commencement takes place on Monday evening following. Twelve young women and men have finished the course with credit to themselves and the school. The following program will be rendered: Opening chorus by school; prayer, Dr. VanArsdale; salutatory, Howard Smith; solo, selected, Mrs. A. A. Crawford; accompanist, Frank Vreeland; essay, "country Life," Anna Burkhard; duet, Misses Lizzie and Anna Barrett; class history, Miss Hattie Hutchinson; song, Alumni Association; essay, "Doom of St. Peter," Preston Furman; instrumental solo, selected, Casler Maloney; class prophecy, Miss Margaret Clarkson; violin solo, selected, Miss Agnes Cunningham; accompanist, Frank Vreeland; valedictory, "Stepping Stones," Theodora Price; solo, selected, Miss Josephine Hock; presentation of class to Board of Education, Jos. H. Ware, principal; distribution of diplomas, J. W. Barrett, President of Board; address to graduates, W. H. Ker, President Alumni; chorus, "America, Pride of the World," address, Hon. Wm. B. Gourley; address, Hon. Homer A. Wilcox; song, "America," J. S. Ellsworth. Tuesday evening the Alumni hold their annual reception given in honor of the graduating class. A little while spent in social chat and exchange of greeting, serving of refreshments and the offering of various toasts having been disposed of, the young people will make themselves happy in the whirling maze of the dance for a short time and the school season will be numbered with the past.
June 20, 1902 The exhibition of work at the Clifton school will be held tonight. All the rooms will be thrown open, and parents and friends are at liberty to inspect the work of the pupils. The large kindergarten room has been decorated and is alone worth seeing. The school's work of the past year will be displayed... The closing exercises of the Botany district school were held last evening. The room was crowded and the program decidedly interesting. It was opened by a "Welcome Song" by the entire school. Kindergarten motions by some of the little folks were prettily done. A recitation by Miss Emma Wilker followed. Then a vocal solo was well rendered by Fred Swenson. Next a daisy drill and then a well executed piano duet. After this came another interesting recitation. A flag drill by a number of the pupils was thoroughly enjoyed. A pleasing mandolin solo succeeded and then a piano selection by Miss Brown. The graduation exercises of pupils from the primary to the grammar grades were very interesting. This consisted of recitations and solos. The Rev. J. S. Ellsworth, of the Reformed church, gave a talk, as did the county superintendent, Homer A. Wilcox. Both were well delivered and interested all. This closed the exercises and the children are free for the summer.
June 21, 1902 The exhibition of Clifton schoolwork, last night, was largely attended. In the kindergarten room most of the work was displayed. Work in every line from the primary class to the tenth grade had been prepared by the pupils. The drawings on the blackboards, attracted a great deal of attention and was much admired. It seems many students excel in this line. Probably never before has there been so extensive and satisfactory a display. Interest in the new graduates heightens every day. The class consists of seven girls and five boys: Miss Dora Price, valedictorian; Miss Margaret Clarkson, class prophet; Miss Alice Underhill of Athenia, Miss Annie Burkhard also of Athenia, Misses Louise and Nellie Hoffmeister and Miss Hattie Hutchinson of Delawanna; Howard Smith of Athenia, salutatorian; Edward Van Dillen of Athenia; Preston M. Furman, Casler W. Meloney and William Doherty. The entire class has an exceptionally high standard. Every one has passed monthly averages and was not compelled to take the county examination. The commencement exercises will take place Monday evening at the Reformed church at 8 o'clock. Sunday evening, the graduates will listen to the baccalaureate sermon by the Rev. J. S. Ellsworth. At this service the board of education, the graduates, teachers, and Alumni will attend in a body. The public is invited to this interesting service - something new in the history of the school. Tuesday evening, a reception will be tendered to the class of 1902 by the Alumni Association. The invitations which have been issued are numerous. There will be an address, serving of refreshments and some toasts offered, then there will be dancing. The new class will be full-fledged alumni and we shall then be looking forward to the class of 1903.
The Clifton Athletic Club is preparing for a lawn party on June 26 on Mr. Clarkson's grounds on the corner of Passaic and Main Avenues. Mr. and Mrs Howard C. Furman, of New York, are visitors at Samuel H. Furman's home in Passaic Avenue.
June 24, 1902 Reformed Church Could Not Contain the Friends Who Gathered to See the Presentation of Diplomas - The Addresses. Last evening a large number attended the exercises of the Clifton grammar school, which was held at the Reformed church. As early as 7:30 o'clock every seat in the building was taken. The reserved seats were crowded and many people were forced to stand. Six young women, members of the Alumni Association, clad entirely in white, acted as ushers. The platform was prettily decorated. Directly in the center a large American flag was draped and under it in large letters were the numbers "1902," covered with daisies. On either side there were flags and red roses. The organ was covered with a profusion of these beauties. Shortly after 8 o'clock, when the church was filled to overflowing and some were even resorting to the windows to obtain a standing place, the march began. The teachers, headed by Principal Ware, led. Following them came the Alumni Association, then the graduating class. The Rev. Mr. Ellsworth and the Rev. Mr. Van Arsdale preceded the members of the board of Education, who came in last... The graduates were Theodora Price, Howard Smith, Margaret Clarkson, Preston Furman, Louisa Hoffmeister, Casler Meloney, Anna Burkhard, Edward Van Dillen, Hattie Hutchinson, William Doherty, Alice Underhill and Nellie Hoffmeister. A bright young class - one which promises great things... Here is a portion of Howard Smith's salutatory: "Ladies and gentlemen: - It is with pleasure that the graduates of 1902 welcome you tonight. They salute you as the judges of their efforts and of the skill and faithfulness to duty shown by the teachers. We are grateful to our parents for enabling us to get a good education and giving us a start in life. To the board of education is also due our gratitude, for they have furnished us with the facilities for a good education and, as a matter of course, have the right to expect us to show that we have not been idle. We wish to thank our teachers for their patience and kindness to us during this school year. We are under everlasting obligation to them. We welcome our schoolmates, who have shown enough interest to attend the exercises tonight and we hope that some time we may have the pleasure of seeing them graduate from this self same school. And I salute you, my classmates, who have done so much to make this school year so pleasant for me and I hope that this temporary separation will not sever our friendship." Mr. Smith ended humorously. He denies all this in his essay, but he convulsed all nonetheless. So the opening of the program was suspicious. His delivery was very clear and emphatic. Miss Anna Burkhard's essay on "The Pleasures of Country Life," showed great care in arrangement, composition and thought... Preston Furman's essay on "The Doom of St. Pierre," graphically written in a dramatic style and delivered as it was in a clear, resonant voice, made a deep impression on the vast audience. The class prophecy by Miss Margaret Clarkson was a masterpiece in its way and was highly appreciated. If one-half of her predictions come true, the class would surely be like Pope's man, "fearfully and wonderfully made..." To say that the Hon. W. B. Gourley did well would be saying something that everybody knew he would do. He must have felt proud of his reception, giving evidence as it did of his popularity in our village... Our Alumni Association sang the following song. This was composed by a lady in town and was deservedly encored. The encore was just as well received, with the class yell attachment.
June 25, 1902 George Eckart, while driving his wagon yesterday morning was thrown out and seriously hurt. A trolley car struck the rear wheel of the wagon, throwing Mr. Eckart heavily to the ground. The injuries are internal ones, but the physician is not sure whether they are dangerous or not.
June 30, 1902 A Brief History of the Life of the Office in the Quiet Village - Was Established Thirty Years Ago- Many Postmasters In That Time. Tomorrow, July 1, the post office at Clifton begins a new period of its existence. Commencing Tuesday it will be an independent station, consolidated with the Passaic office, but receiving and dispatching its own mails every day as usual. In addition to this the department will soon inaugurate a free delivery service. The fourth-class post office that goes out of existence with the close of business today, June 30, was established some thirty years ago. The first postmaster was E. G. Cone, who kept a thriving grocery store in Clifton at that time, and among the postmasters who have had charge of the office are many well known men, George V. DeMott being one of the early ones. Although Mr. DeMott has been a life-long Democrat, he held the office under a Republican administration. C. D. Spencer, another of the old-time Clifton postmasters, a staunch Republican, held this office under a Democratic President. Both of these men merely held the office for convenience, the work being performed by an assistant. Following them came William Ker and Groceryman Kelly, James Brick, Charles Hemmingway, William C. Bogert and Alvin Webb. William Ker, who succeeded the latter, will still be in charge and upon him will devolve the duty of putting the free delivery upon a satisfactory basis. For the last few weeks many of the Clifton citizens have been in fear that this improvement was to be indefinitely postponed, but thanks to the untiring efforts of the Hon. James F. Stewart, our representative in Congress, the free delivery will in a few days be an accomplished fact. It is interesting to knw that John Merselis, known as Squire Merselis, at one time filled the office.
Clifton is preparing for one of the grandest affairs of the season. The Christian Endeavor Society is making elaborate preparations for the international lawn fete. Samuel Groocock has thrown open his beautiful grounds and those who patronize the affair have the opportunity of spending a few hours in one of Clifton's lovely spots. The date is July 3. The American table, first among the nations, will be amply supplied with the heart's delight of the children - firecrackers. No exorbitant prices will be charged. Miss Clare Rue, with her staff of assistants, has charge of this table and will sell ice cream. The Scotch, the Irish, the Welsh and the English will be in costume at the British table. Here the articles for which each is famed will be displayed. A tempting supper will be served at the German table under the direction of Miss Mae Shaffer. Miss Hester Nathan, head of the Japanese table, has prepared a fancy tea garden. Clifton's "old maids" as well as her matrons can here enjoy a comfortable chat and a cup of some excellent brand of tea. So busy are Miss Nathan's helpers that it will be a picture of fairyland, where one can easily imagine oneself transported far across the seas. All is ready for the tempting confections and dainty fancy articles of the French people. Miss Alice Hasey has this under her care. Frances Tilton will represent the Italian nation. Not by the splendid conquests of Mars - not the luxury and culture of the Romans, but a plain, everyday Italian. He is to push a cart laden with peanuts, oranges and bananas. Beside these, the grounds will be set out with tennis and croquet sets. No fear that the evening will lag or that, folks will be tempted to go home early - provided it does not rain. The grounds will be open at 5 o'clock. Later in the evening there will be an address of a patriotic character and the singing of the several national hymns. There is no admission - all come. The proceeds will go toward the carpet for the new Reformed church As gathered by Donald C. Lotz 6/5/2002.